
Title: Best way to practice your English [Print]

Author: BusyEnglish    Time: 2011-6-29 23:12
I only have Jeff Lee's skype. I really think u should all get one - it's free!! Look for my skype name (busyenglish888) and request to be my friend and I will add u to my list
Author: Daney_0921    Time: 2011-8-2 06:43
HI, I am really agreee with you, I have an online  oral  english teacher on skype,  i take this lessons 3 times per week. It is really helpful for my oral english.
Author: demon_.    Time: 2011-8-3 11:45
hey,guy, agree with u ,too.I dont have a Skype account and dont know how to use it..but i will try .

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