
Title: do you think the 'reward' measure in high-speed train accident is reasonable? [Print]

Author: feiyuyitiao    Time: 2011-7-27 11:35
Title: do you think the 'reward' measure in high-speed train accident is reasonable?
Recently, the trains accident had cause widely concern. but I only want to talk about the compensation agreement I notice, some 'relevant persons' said to victim family  If you came and sign the agreement earlier, extra 50 thousand yuan will be pay as a reward. What do you think of this? If you are a victim of this accident. will you accept these money?
Author: lijuanandrea    Time: 2011-7-29 09:43
who make this decision is really a rubblsh, reward ? reward for what ? for they have betrayed their conscience? for they have sold the lifes of their relatives?
Author: lyrebird06    Time: 2011-7-29 15:05
reward is only a kind of measure for the goverment to console the relative of the victim. it is not a thorought method to solve and prevent the accident from happening again. it is key that the government pinpoint the cause of the accident and give the public a reasonable explaination.
Author: wsmxdonline    Time: 2011-7-30 06:46
It is totally a shame
Author: loong    Time: 2011-8-6 09:21
the government treat this innocent people like nothing, we are not outlooker when our economic shoot up, but we got kidney disease due to poisoning milk, the train victimized these passengers
Author: loong    Time: 2011-8-6 09:26
could reward balanced the priceless lives?
Author: cmaj135    Time: 2011-8-8 14:33
Life is more precious than anything else, the word "reward" is really ridiculous, we will surely abandon the compensations if the deceased can come back. I'd rather think 'reward' is the symbol of those cowards burying locomotives,making the rescue delay,covering the true of collision

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