
Title: what type of company do you prefer to work in? [Print]

Author: linda_guo    Time: 2009-7-14 16:17
Title: what type of company do you prefer to work in?
nowdays, there are more and more companies located in our country, and they are assorted into several types by different standard, including foreign company, local company, state-owned enterprise sorted by capital source.
actually, i ever worked for all these types of company, at the beginning of our career, i worked in a state-owned enterprise, than in a local company, and now in a foreign company. i feel there are so much differences in working environment, business culture, management style etc..
as we all know, working in a state-owned enterprise is easy and  leisure, you have littel work to do, and almost everything would be arranged for you by your manager. in addition, there would be continuously dinners for you, sometimes the management's treat, or other departments, or someone else. you know these expenditure would be paid by the company somehow.  in those years, i was kind of afraid of dinner, once i was at desk and faced with a full desk of food, i right now got no appetite.
then in the local company, you would feel more freedom, cos you could negotiate everything with the boss, and he is the man who could make final decision. but as a local company, you would find your developing space is limited since the business is relatively small-scaled, and is completely  restricted within the boss individual.
while in the foreign company, usually a big company, your behavior is greatly restricted within company's regulations. if you have no similar work experience, you would have to spend a period of time to study the rules, adapt the work style. at the same time you have to shoulder more responsibilities, and of course usually earn more.
so, my friend, which company will you choose? and pls kindly tell me your reason.
Author: lindahung    Time: 2009-7-16 14:13
I think myself to be suited the foreigh company.Because I am shy and not good at coping with social intercourse.

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