
Title: How to maintain a strong relationship [Print]

Author: 小莫    Time: 2009-8-31 11:58
Title: How to maintain a strong relationship
Relationship is a very important part of our life. However, maintaining a strong relationship is a headache for some people. We want to be considerate, sweet and behave better, but how? How can we stop worrying about ruining our relationship? Click Further reading.

Author: neves    Time: 2009-8-31 12:24
i think we can place ourselves to the role of our relatives/friends/spouse/colleague,maybe you will find something special.
Author: eleen    Time: 2009-8-31 14:49
I think good friends never need money .Maybe some time we lose touch with each other for a long time ,but  we remember each in minds.the way to maintain a strong relationship with friends is indulgent,forgiveness or something more.
Author: 小莫    Time: 2009-8-31 23:34
Listening and communication are very important. Spending some time together is also very important.
Author: 小莫    Time: 2009-9-1 19:06
neves: i think we can place ourselves to the role of our relatives/friends/spouse/colleague,maybe you will find something special.
Yeah, good idea.
Author: 小莫    Time: 2009-9-1 19:08
eleen: I think good friends never need money .Maybe some time we lose touch with each other for a long time ,but  we remember each in minds.the way to mainta
Exactly. Something essential contains in a relationship, and it remains there even though time goes on.
Author: boostbob    Time: 2009-9-1 19:26
keep in touch with each others
Author: 小莫    Time: 2009-9-1 19:52
boostbob: keep in touch with each others
Yes, you're right.
In the other hand, people are connected when they are in touch with others. Once being apart, it's very hard to remain close.
Author: jing    Time: 2009-9-2 13:25
For the distance of distant friends,you may call or online chat!
For the normally around friends or co-workers, you can go to dinner, shopping, or tourism. A lot of ways!
Author: Fionahere    Time: 2009-9-5 04:00
give your partner a surprise every now and then ; never ever lose touch with each other more more than one week~~`

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