
Title: Do you want a busy life or to take life slowly? [Print]

Author: fairy0612    Time: 2010-5-4 22:16
Author: sunnyv    Time: 2010-5-6 22:25
I was born and grew up in the world's most advanced and fast paced city Hong Kong. Everything moves so fast here that you don't have time for friends. There are lots of opportunities for everyone here so everyone is busy trying to tap those opporunities. In the end, all you got is a home and some money in the bank. Time has passed you by and the best part of your life has passed and you have missed the things which you can only do at a younger age. Those who live in the rural villages in other countries feel they have wasted their life in a village farming community, so you can see, it is not easy to have a satisfied life. The answer is be happy with what you have and try to improve yourself. Paradise comes with a price and most people can't afford that.
Author: rainecho415    Time: 2010-5-6 22:33
sunnyv: I was born and grew up in the world's most advanced and fast paced city Hong Kong. Everything moves so fast here that you don't have time for friends.
exactly, the real peace and happiness is in our own heart, no matter which circumstances we are in.
Author: sunnyv    Time: 2010-5-6 22:46
rainecho415: exactly, the real peace and happiness is in our own heart, no matter which circumstances we are in.
Yes, be happy with what you are. Everyone has a role to play in this universe, so just play your own role well.

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