
Title: think big and work smart ,let's guess [Print]

Author: Kevin_qy    Time: 2009-5-17 21:54
Title: think big and work smart ,let's guess
1. What is the difference between here and there ?
2. what are the strongest days of the week?
3. why did the man put wheels on his rocking chair?
4. At what time of day was Adam born?
5. why did the person throw a clock out of the window?
6.What nail should you never hit with a hammer?
7. what ring is square?
8. why is the sun like a loaf of bread?
Author: Kevin_qy    Time: 2009-5-18 15:20
1.the letter 't'
2.Saturday and Sunday --all the other days are week(weak)days.
3.because he wanted to rock and roll (摇滚舞)
4.just before Eve(eve 一语双关,一是“晚间”一是“夏娃”
5.to see the time fly
6.finger nail (指甲)
7.boxing ring 拳击场
8.It's light when it rises. 它变亮当它升起(它变轻当它膨胀)
Author: Kevin_qy    Time: 2009-5-23 21:34
so, any more puzzle?
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