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There's no such thing as a free lunch

Hot 63321 views. 2014-9-21 18:39

I've always heard people complaining about the China's stock market, about the performance of listed companies, about the bad economic policy from Chinese Government, and about the inaccurate inside information from friends or websites, etc. They complain everything, except themselves.

When I asked this kind of people how much time they have spent on it and how many books about the stock market they have read, the most common answer is: "I am too busy, and I have no time to study." 

This weird phenomenon in  stock market always makes me feel funny. 
The stock market is one of the most dangerous battlefields in human history besides war. More than 90% stock investors lost their money, and only less than 10% stock traders won money from this huge and dangerous Casino. It means, if this was a war, more than 90% soldiers would be wounded or be killed. 

The most funny thing is, all the soldiers get very strict training before they fight in the battlefield, and be drilled every day, but in stock market, most stock investors spend no time studying. When they buy stock, lots of people spend several minutes in analyzing and then make their decision, and some people just follow others suggestions to choose stocks. It's unbelievable, even buying a cell phone, they spend more time than choosing their stocks.

When we take an exam, we spend lots time in preparing, in reading books, and in analyzing the practice tests...
When we study English, we work at it, and we devote lots time to reading, to listening, to writing, to speaking...
But when people buying stock, they forget this, and many people believe they will be the lucky dog to make good money from this Casino.

Dreaming to reap without sowing, no wonder lots of people lose money in the stock market.

I am lucky to be one of the 10% speculators who won profit from this dangerous Casino, actually, I made money from stock market to support this website. I have been reading books about finance and security every day, keeping trading record every night, analyzing every deal I have made... I spend lots of time studying, but I still feel not easy to be one of the winners in this battlefield.

"There's no such thing as a free lunch" is an absolute truth in lots of fields especially in stock market.  That's what I have learned from my securities trading experience.

Post comment Comment (12 replies)

Reply Trick 2014-9-21 19:45
Wow,  proficient writing skills! It is true that the sentence "I am busy" has become the excuse of the majority of people to get out of the hardship. I am not an exception.
Reply Sumingyu 2014-9-21 19:51
It seemed that this blog had been posted before because I was favorably impressed by the main idea of the passage.
Reply xingyue 2014-9-22 00:18
Stock market is risky. Some investors are crazy testing their luck and want to get bigger incomes. Anyway, whatever we do, no pains, no gains. You are professional.
Reply admin 2014-9-22 19:48
Trick: Wow,  proficient writing skills! It is true that the sentence "I am busy" has become the excuse of the majority of people to get out of the  ...
Thank you.  
Reply admin 2014-9-22 19:48
Trick: Wow,  proficient writing skills! It is true that the sentence "I am busy" has become the excuse of the majority of people to get out of the  ...
Thank you.  
Reply admin 2014-9-22 19:48
Sumingyu: It seemed that this blog had been posted before because I was favorably impressed by the main idea of the passage.
Yes, I have published it before.
Reply admin 2014-9-22 19:49
xingyue: Stock market is risky. Some investors are crazy testing their luck and want to get bigger incomes. Anyway, whatever we do, no pains, no gains. You are ...
You are right. No pain, no gain.
Reply Nikkii 2014-9-23 09:51
very instructive blog, how could people think they can get pennies from heaven? I won't have daydreams anymore, I must immerse myself into what I'm doing right now
Reply admin 2014-9-23 10:58
Nikkii: very instructive blog, how could people think they can get pennies from heaven? I won't have daydreams anymore, I must immerse myself into what I'm do ...
Yes, the fruits of your success will be in direct ratio to the honesty and sincerity of your own effort.   
Reply hzkico 2015-9-16 12:23
I am  totally agree with your article.
Reply admin 2015-9-16 13:34
hzkico: I am  totally agree with your article.
Thank you.  
Reply fengqiwu 2016-9-10 22:04
In today's China,many people want to get more money, even want to reap where one has not sown,so they put their money in  the stock market.But many people don't know the rule, so they lost their money,then they blame others.I think it's very funny.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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