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My girl

Hot 21195 views. 2017-4-10 12:57 |Individual Classification:Growing| discuss, false

My elder daughter is 4 years old now. She can talk more and more. She could discuss with you on cartoon or other TV shows. She love cartoon too much, the <big head son and small head dad> is her best love. And she would discuss with me which TV show is better to see, in fact, just because she likes it better. She is a naughty girl, and she talks and asks all the way, seems never stops except falls sleep. How talkative the girl is.

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Reply lovingfun 2017-4-10 20:44
Kids like learn by action, it is their native character. I guess that your daughter must be very smart and cute. You are proud of her.
When you share this, I can feel your happiness though some times she may cause you some "little troubles".
If possile, I would like see a photo of your daughter, if you don't mind.
Hope she safe and sound forever.
Reply Candy.liu 2017-4-17 15:03
lovingfun: Kids like learn by action, it is their native character. I guess that your daughter must be very smart and cute. You are proud of her.
When you share  ...
Reply moli 2017-4-17 17:35
Lovely and cute girl.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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