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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares I 我
dphpxs 2014-4-22 22:06
I, an idealist, think of myself as what definitely I am. I think for good of what I behold as, from the objective world and truth, the distinction, which is no other than myself as an egotistic universe. Such a universe, being infinitely extensive and quite as much prof ...
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Shares Start From Scratch 从头开始
dphpxs 2014-4-18 18:53
Unlearnentirelywhatyouwereatonetimeseizedof,andaltogether thelossesthatyouhave suffered. Accept yourself asthebeing whoha ...
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Shares All Trivia 4 闲语4
dphpxs 2014-4-15 22:30
You can't be writing when you are thinking too much. 想得太多便反而会无暇写作。 A man's emotions are within his separate world, in which he stays indifferent if the outside occurences don't strike a chord. 人的喜怒哀乐,都只在自己的空间;外在的动静再大,若终归弹不上心弦,也都会置 ...
1625 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares All Trivia 3 闲语3
dphpxs 2014-4-7 13:02
The habit of solitude is being always self-concerned. 孤独的脾气是自我主义。 If not dumbed by vanity and desires, the heart should have been sensitive to the slightest happiness. 感受幸福的本是颗细腻敏感的心,因为更多欲望与虚荣令它与最简单的幸福产生了隔膜而日趋麻木。 My ...
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Shares All Trivia 2 闲语2
dphpxs 2014-4-2 22:00
Fine are hearts, fine are writings. 心无恙,则文无恙。 I choose belief between belief and truth. Belief is truth. 信仰与真理之间,我选择信仰。信仰即真理。 See self in idols; see idols in self. 在偶像身上看自己,在自己身上看偶像。 Confusion in disguise as ...
1560 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares Spiritual Idols 精神偶像
dphpxs 2014-3-31 21:18
Extraordinary and transcendentalare, for livingone's life,hischerishedspiritual idols. In any of these idols, one sees himself, and in himself is as well seenany of them. Hence they the idols would natual ...
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Shares All Trivia 闲语
dphpxs 2014-3-29 00:31
In loneliness is acquired the modesty. 在孤独里学会谦逊。 Thinkers are foolish on the contrary; they won't be if only they stop. 我思故我愚,不思则了然。 It would be horrible and dangerous to devote oneself to a personal ideology whichaims at&n ...
524 views|0 replies
Shares Worldliness and Solitude 世俗与孤独
dphpxs 2014-3-28 08:02
My elder cousin has been long sincetelling me to follow a way of the worldliness,in respectthat once I get involved in the waterflow of the masses I will be seen by them, connected with them in thought, and regarded in deed as an infl ...
734 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares Raise Your Spirit Up
dphpxs 2014-3-20 21:27
Everyone of us shares the time when he is distressed, grievous or resentful, that is when his spirit is shut down. The other way around, every one of us shares the time when he is blissful, optimistic or energetic, that is when his spirit is raised up. Everyone i ...
780 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares Companionship with Writing 与写作为友
dphpxs 2014-3-18 18:35
IthasbeenalmostfiveyearseversinceIfirstwroteEnglishessaysontheInternet.My companionshipwithEnglishwritingcana ...
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