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An embarrassing and funny thing

Hot 21318 views. 2016-9-26 11:57

  My sister told me a funny thing several days ago,she was walking back after pick her express,in the corridor,she met her foreign colleague,then he ask her a question,but my sister didn't follow him except a word 'time',so she took a look at her phone and told him 'a quarter past five'.Then the man ran away immediately and when he came back .he hold a express in hands too.
    It's the moment that my sister knew what he had asked.He was asking the closing time of the express but my sister told him the current time so he was hurry to pick his express because of keep overtime is fee.
    Poor guy and embarrassed sister!
    Learn oral English and practice listening is so important!

Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply moli 2016-9-27 15:22
it is normal for a chinese to talk with a foreigner nervously, it does not  matter. if you don't follow the foreigner, you had better ask him again.
Reply raicy 2016-11-2 11:57
Anyway the foreign guy got his express timely.
Reply kuin 2016-11-2 14:34
moli: it is normal for a chinese to talk with a foreigner nervously, it does not  matter. if you don't follow the foreigner, you had better ask him again.
Making a joke is really embarrassing,but it reminds me to practice oral english as well.
Reply kuin 2016-11-2 14:37
raicy: Anyway the foreign guy got his express timely.
Yeah,and my sister felt the foreign guy is very cute.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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