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made the mistake

Hot 1704 views. 2016-11-7 20:12

Today I found a mistake in my work.I did the packing list as previous PO order. When the client update the PO NO. recently , I had check it without changes then did not pay more attention to it. But actuall it has a little changes at last. But i did not find, Though it did not make any loss this time. But feel a little regreted. Since these days, my work in crazy busy,  So sometimes that did not pay much more attention to the details. So i must pay more attention to the details later however busy the work is!
Anyway, it is a good lesson to me. Fight with the mistake and carelessness.

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Reply shirleyytt2010 2016-11-12 13:28
Sometimes I will also made a minor mistakes at my work, we should try to be more careful and consider more when in working hours.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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