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The spoiled child

823 views. 2022-5-10 21:53

Yesterday My sons  request to play in the park in our county for a long time then I have to agree. He told me that his classmates are playing there and he also wanted to play with them. Then we went there.  Indeed, some of his friends are playing there and he joined them happily.
Then they wanted to play in the dirty muds. It is verr dirty after the rain. So we don't want them to plwy there. Some kids ran away when we told them not to play there, but some still want to play there including my son. 
And I told him if he still played there then I would take him home. Ater seeing his friends running away, He also ran to other places. But another child are scolding his grandpa and beating him. His grandpa was very angry by patting on the back of the kid's hands. But the little kid didn;t follow him and shouted louded with some impolite words. The old man was helpless but just smiled back. Many people in the park were looking at them. some were talking with each other about it.
So I think if we still spoiled the kids like this, It will hurt them in the future. Everyone should have rules in your heart even in education. It it is necessary, We can punish them in a soft and gentle way. Or they will not respect others when they grow up.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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