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Hot 2988 views. 2016-6-27 22:32
those days could be the busiest and riddenest time for me. as a graduate, I had to run to different job fairs in different schools. regularly, there is two job fairs in two schools. I have no time to do other things. attenting camepus recruitment is quite wasting time. but, I have no choice. for this is the possible chance for your job. every job fair was full of thousands of graduates, It seemed like to be a festival gathering. positions are insufficient,employment pressure is very severe. the economy is slowing down, many companies in south provinces near coastal areas are said to go bankrup unfortunately, my school was always the last stop for the campus recruitment. many campanies had finished the recruitment index. it was just the form to have career talk!!! ok, this was just wasting our time. joining in the campus talk in other school is quite competitive and stressful. because, other schools have a better faculty and reputation. It took me for two months to get a job. It was tough and struggling.every night, I had to think of the question''what if I don't get a job, I am jobless?what a shame!!!" this magical sentence just circle arould my head . until I got asleep....maybe this is the necessary step to look for a job. something full of struggling, sufferings, hope, endeavors...once you have exprenced, you will never forget its taste...