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Shares The bandstand
2018-6-3 14:44
The bandstand is a pleasant place for a rest, located in Zhongshan Scenic Area. The center of it is a large open platform used for some musical performances and rally speeches to memorize Sun Yat-sen. Surrounding the stage is a semicircle fountain pool, which will spay the water accom ...
825 views|8 replies Hot 4
Shares The memory of college entrance examination
2018-5-26 23:01
As the day of college entrance examination is approaching, a lot of memories flash into my mind. All the feelings stuff my breast, including the happiness, regret, sorrow and relief. There is no doubt that the day has exerted a profound impact on my long life, and I will always review ...
938 views|10 replies Hot 5
Shares Back to Field (向往的生活)
2018-5-13 12:59
With the development of urbanization, people nowadays tend to live a modern life, seldom tasting country life, which leads to a new industry called Rural Pleasures. People there can not only live in the cottages but also enjoy local specialties. However, limited by time, people prefer to ...
4137 views|8 replies Hot 4
Shares Hindu Caste System(印度种姓制度)
2018-5-5 14:17
India, a magic county, appeals tourists all around the world for its unique culture and distinctive architecture. Considered as one of the developing countries, India has a large population as well as takes agriculture as the foundation. Nevertheless, there is no doubt that India occ ...
2542 views|8 replies Hot 4
Shares My views on gamophobia
2018-4-27 17:48
Recently, gamophobia(恐婚症) has become a heated topic among people by virtue of the rapid growth of individualism. Distinct from last generation, youngsters are attaching more importance to an ideal marriage, which means that they are stricter about the standard of spouse selection. For instanc ...
1347 views|9 replies Hot 5
Shares Superheroes never die
2017-11-30 19:40
Some of us may have seen the trailer of The Avengers 3, it distress us that almost superheroes reached an impasse. However, as many people who commented, all of us just want to see a movie with a happy ending. Superheroes are never expected to die, and they should come back after bec ...
791 views|12 replies Hot 6
2017-11-24 13:00
In the recent days, some of my classmates including me sink into reporting micro-blogs, which means that we are likely to be picked out from the people to get a grand prize. Each micro-blog has its special prize, such as makeup, snacks, mobile phones , a great deal of money and so on, whic ...
658 views|10 replies Hot 5
Shares A cat on the attic
2017-11-17 13:27
Recently, something extraordinary happened in our ordinary apartment. There is strange sound on the attic, which above the ceiling of our dormitory. As you see, we live in the uppermost floor of the five-storey building. However, climbing the stairs is so arduous that we avoid ...
909 views|14 replies Hot 7
2017-10-27 14:27
Recently, there is a stirring of interest in a kind of computer game called PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS. (绝地求生:大逃杀) All of my friends both girls and boys devote their whole heart to playing it around the clock, which seems incredible but exactly happens. The slogan " WINNER ...
710 views|13 replies Hot 7
Shares Let us enjoy eating instant noodles!
2017-10-19 15:15
As is known to all, instant noodles are characterized by its dainty and convenience, grabbing at the favor of people firmly. Not only does it is cheaper than other snacks, but also tastes even better. There is no doubt that having a cup of instant noodles is the sensible choice to conte ...
766 views|15 replies Hot 7

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