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Devil on your bed

Hot 183 views. 2025-1-9 21:42

At the time point I start typing, I have just waked up from a two-hour snap at normal dinner time, without having dinner today.

Go to bed for two or three hours immediately after a day's work have been a habit for me for about two years. Neither did I slept everyday without eating, nor doing this everyday, just I usually find myself staring at the clock with half consciousness when the time is going to be 9 o'clock at night. I start sleeping like this a lot when i was abroad, where I should pay extra attention for all the language problem all day long in spite of the exact work to learn. It was easy to go to sleep at once after a day's exhausted work especially when you have a little bed-room, no intimate friends, and should queue for the kitchenware for it was sharing.

The reason is apparently for tiredness of the day, and I seldom do this at weekend. But a finny thing is that I do this only when I finished my work before six. If I went home at nine o'clock then snap is funny, I would completely sleep for more than 10 hours until next morning, sometimes without eating.

A more ironic fact is that I skip dinner more at home with parents than when I was living by myself. 

I am doing the same thinks for the day as others, and does done a good job, however I feel like there is a devil on my bed the time I see it. And after getting outside of the "dying sleep" I still find myself cannot accumulate to words and sentence, which shows my brain is just half awake.

Now it is nine o'clock, the devil on my bed is taking over my mind, and keep asking me back to the world of dream, but I still need to fulfill my stomach first.

Why people need to sleep? 

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Reply Dempsey 2025-1-9 22:17
I take olanzapine and everyday I sleep like dead. I envy whomever sleeps no long!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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