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Shares The Xinjia hotel in quanzhou fujian collapsed
2020-3-8 23:57
At 19:15 on March 7th, the xinjiahotell in quanzhou, fujian province, collapsed trapping about 70 people. The 47th person was rescued at 5:40 am on 8th and was conscious when he was pulled out. At 6:16 am, another trapped person was removed from the scene,but there were no signs of life. At 8 ...
Individual Classification: life|1467 views|0 replies
Shares The Pritzker Architecture Prize
2020-3-6 23:54
Yvonne Farrell and Shelley McNamara from Grafton Architects in Ireland was awarded the 42th Pritzker Architecture Prize in 2020. They are both practitioners of architectural practice and architectural educaters, with strong and meticulous practice and ideas. They describe architectural educat ...
Individual Classification: life|1297 views|0 replies
Shares American trouble
2020-3-5 23:52
Seattle became a heavy disaster area of novel coronavirus as a big city in Washington,USA. This week, a staff of amazon was infected with novel coronavirus. On wednesday, the novel coronavirus pneumonia infacted persons incresed to 39 in Washington state. The government have to make so ...
Individual Classification: life|1359 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares The virus desease
2020-2-13 21:43
Today the market is closed because of the desease. that inconvienced everybody. At this time we all hope the desease can be settled,then all can go to work and strive on their own duty. In the almost 20 days from spring festival everybody everywhere is going to be iced, we cannot see friends, ...
Individual Classification: life|1182 views|0 replies
Shares The direction of life
2018-12-16 15:56
The direction of life We don't know when we were born, but later we were told. At the beginning, the route we lived in was happy, how to be happy and how to survive. What is the long semester for, in order to be curious about new knowledge? Access to wisdom? Later we used&n ...
Individual Classification: life|1345 views|0 replies

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