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Never give up in your career

364 views. 2021-8-4 11:04 |Individual Classification:Private daily diary

    if you have to be a successful people. You have to update yourself continually. Never give up in your career of your rest live days .
   Therefore, when I have to change my job, I will join in a new industry to challenge my abilities. Our society is changing continually, If we want to survive in this word , we must to catch up the footprint of society.
   The most importance principle is Never give up your life. Whatever  your situation you  are facing , you have to have brave to process it, to control it , to overcome it. My teacher said the answers were ever more than the questions. The answers hided in our intelligence. we had to use our brain to think those things.
   Anytime, you do not  suicide yourself. The life is the most valid in this world. No

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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