For a man who has neither good looks nor riches, love seems distant. But rather than putting it that way, we can only say a “relationship” seems out of reach. True “love” first sprouts from an independent heart and endures within such a heart. To admire someone, a man must first admire himself, as is “what I hope you will love about me too”. Based on such a foundation, he would not lose himself in the thirst for romance. Love never exists only between two persons. It is also love to be unrequited, to be lovelorn, and when there’s not the dear crush, to still cherish the longings and dreams. Besides, if a man doesn’t have the courage to face up to the sweet affections of others and even regards it as self-mutilation, it’s because he still hasn’t fully understood that to be “without” love doesn’t mean to “not deserve” it.
I once fantasized that Thoreau of prose and Dickinson of poetry could be together, because they were both rich in human emotion and thought, although they didn’t live in the same time and space. For a chaser of love, “talent and sentiment” is the entirety of charisma. “Talent” is a man’s true appearance, while “sentiment” is the “kindness, abundance and nobility” of the inside, and they all are the constituents and drive of pursuing the “independent love”. The most significant aspect of the value of literature is just that pursuit. Human meditations as literature would always be reflecting, no matter how remote, from nature to history, from humanity to culture, can endow a man with spiritual beauty. When such beauty is accepted by one heart of the opposite sex, it is the essence of love that goes beyond a mere “relationship”. --- A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!
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