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Shares Came back again, and I'll still use my zone
2011-3-23 14:46
It has been such a long time that I didn't come here I have no idea if my friends are still here? Hello, guys. I'm back1
1280 views|2 replies
Shares I'm back again, friends
2010-9-21 12:41
Hello my friends, it has been such a long time since I written my blog here last time. Now i'm back agin, and I'll take some time to write my English blog agin. I have a good news to share with you that I have found a job about 2 moths ago. I'm working as a wed-editor at this ...
Individual Classification: emotion|1326 views|8 replies
Shares I start to play QQ Farm
2010-6-18 06:40
I used to dislike those computer games such as QQ Farm, butonce I played this game I found it is not so bad. I think it quite interesting and I've addicted to it. However I'm not creazy about it, just enjoy i ...
1400 views|8 replies
Shares I don't know what to do
2010-6-11 13:31
I repeat the same life every single day, and have no idea how to dealing with the rest time before I leave school. Except watching movie and reading books, I used to hang out with my classmates. Am I so boring? Isn’t it the right time for me to deal with my suff? But ...
Individual Classification: emotion|1381 views|10 replies
Shares Frustrated
2010-6-2 15:17
I have come back to Xi’an for a whole week, and we have nothing to do recently except waiting for the graduate certificate. Many classmates have got jobs, and I still hunting for job which make me feel a little frustrated. How could I get a good job? And when i ...
Individual Classification: emotion|1514 views|10 replies
Shares A disguating thing
2010-5-18 08:15
Last night, my classmate told me that our teachers had a meeting in the afternoon and they made a new modle for our article. That means we have to change our article again. How disguating!!! Again an ...
Individual Classification: emotion|1109 views|7 replies
Shares Another interview, come on
2010-5-13 19:03
I got a phone call this afternoon, a company wanted me to have an interview tomorrow afternoon. It is a good news for me. I'll make a good praperation for this interview, so I can get a high possibility to get a j ...
578 views|8 replies
Shares You'll have no idea what you can achieve
2010-5-11 08:41
I like when you believe very much. I think its lyrics are quite sensible. "T here can be miracles,when you believe. Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill. Who know what miracle you can achieve, when you believe, som ...
Individual Classification: thought|626 views|9 replies
Shares OMG! How can I live on with it
2010-5-10 13:12
My teacher told me this morning that my article needs a large scale of change, Which means I have to rewrite my article somehow. OMG! How can I live on with it?! Why so many unfortunate things h ...
Individual Classification: emotion|696 views|11 replies
Shares Still waiting
2010-5-8 14:19
I had another interview yesterday afternoon, which happened many days after the last one. I'm not pretty sure about my feelings, for it proves to be wrong so many times. What I can do is waiting, wait ...
Individual Classification: emotion|632 views|12 replies

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