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( 23897 ) Visits

  • Reading is the best habbit, try the best to cultive Emily treating reading into necessarity in daily life, which it's long-run lesson, it's easier said than done, but take action step by step. Reply
  • It's really headache and boring to work under boring mood, no improvement, no efficiency, no same value, meaningless; Mostly should quit ASAP, but because of life, insist on fighting; Reply
  • Toilet is the one important factor to check the civilization degree, really; someone show perfect from appearance but poor inside, mostly they are used to make up themselves out but be cold to others Reply
  • It's hard and useless to show your real idea with the one who didnot trust you, even did talk sth but it's under some helpless or boring mind, which isnot good, it's from each other, not one moment Reply
  • Lucky to log in,  wow there is ads shown up,the business is everywhere no matter you hide, miss here so much, almost forgot myself but still keep here in mind,  what will it be like someday? Reply
  • Real Namehelen
  • GenderFemale
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hard but rich life-(1)(2018) 2018-09-18
Writing is the way to make the record of life, but recently it's regardless by writing, busy or boring or lazy or meaningless or others? thinking too ...
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childish joke and adult greeting 2018-05-16
one night, when sleeping, all of a sudden, YY said wanna have 3 in family, LG replied that one brother and sister,  as elder sister you would sha ...
(1043) Views|(0) Replies
life enducation 2018-05-12
yesterday night, it's the first time to join in such meeting called parents meeting, 1.5 hours, the main point is life enducation, which is the point ...
(981) Views|(0) Replies
yours and others 2018-05-12
When make the quotation, it's very easy and convenient to send the information by wechat group to inform the detail or the server location to check th ...
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earthquake 2018-05-12
2008.5.12 Wenchuan disaster, earthquake hit worsely, 10 years passed until today, it did recall clearly, that day, I sat in the first floor classroom ...
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liudan89 2011-12-24 15:53
littlegrass 2010-11-22 10:00
warmjaney: Have a visit. Leave my footprint.
Thank you very much, and have a good day!
O'Bright 2010-11-13 19:09
warmjaney: Thanks for your caring, O'Bright. It's warm here. You too.
You are welcome ha. we are all friends here though we never see each other.
jeffyang 2010-11-10 11:01
more conversation videos -

What do you think of the videos?
Appreciate your feedback.
Zoe1221 2010-11-4 15:43
warmjaney: Nice to know you, leave my footprint.
Glad to meet you here, my friend.
O'Bright 2010-10-31 13:16
It's so cold, take care.
littlegrass 2010-9-24 11:09
On this warm occasion, one of the most simple to you my friend: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I wonder whether my wishes can reach you. Let me drink a toast for my rriend with my best wishes.
littlegrass 2010-8-15 10:26
Offer our sincerest and profoundest condolences to the victims as the disastrous debris flow and the best regards and expectations to the alive!
Peter_zhang 2010-6-1 22:39
warmjaney: Hey!
Happy Children’s  Day
Peter_zhang 2010-5-28 21:19
winds 2010-4-3 00:02
Helen ,long time no talking with u
and u haven't  come to my space long time either
huntermossly 2010-3-20 22:35
warmjaney: Take it easy. Do better and graspe the chance next time. Good luck!
Thank you so much and I'll do my best next time.
huntermossly 2010-3-19 19:42
warmjaney: hey, great, thanks, and you?
Not so good. cuz I failed the exams today...
huntermossly 2010-3-18 21:22
hello, how are u
Yafee 2010-1-29 10:17
I  like  sunflower.It gives me a sense of positive
yyjjxx12345 2010-1-26 08:00
iadd you as qq friend
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