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yours and others

866 views. 2018-5-12 15:30

When make the quotation, it's very easy and convenient to send the information by wechat group to inform the detail or the server location to check the cost breakdown,
there are one pair new style by one customer from Malaysia, which did transferred it to us,
there is mistake that they didnot notice it's stamping case, the cost is for cutting case, there are RMB3/pc less,
luckily my quotation is based on man version, lady version is cheaper a bit than man,
but later when make technical drawing, the engineer said it's stamping case, but checked the cost, it's for cutting case,
Boss knew it and ask me if did pass the sample to them when quoted, 
I did show the information, which did paste the photo by R&D, sure did give the sample,
anyway, I did remind other sales to update this cost, but nobody reply to say noted or thank you, it's not my working, 
like this things, too much too much, for me, cannot regardless of it,
today other sales, there are one pair mesh band style in 3 hands date movt, simple stamping case and dial, man US$8.75, lady at SS+2TRG band at US$10, 7.5K pcs each, but see the information, I find that the glass looks different from sent picture, silently I tell R&D for this point, she did double check with the related staff to reply sorry, didnot notice this, the cost will be RMB0.8-1.0, OMG,
I would remind him but unwilling to say pls don't ask him, it's the joke, maybe thought I did have the problem, after spoke this, he said it's not your order, it's others, how come you will pay the attention?
there is not difference among human, but still have big difference, such as the attitude, value, blur...

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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