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childish joke and adult greeting

1063 views. 2018-5-16 11:42

one night, when sleeping, all of a sudden, YY said wanna have 3 in family, LG replied that one brother and sister, 
as elder sister you would share with them to play the toy, YY said it's ok for me, 
further discussed, if only one rice bread, would you share with them as well? 
YY said let Mom make bread for them, 
later on, YY said no need 3, just myself one; Lol, it's joyful, 

recently on the way, frequently meet the classmate in kindergarden, 
in the supermarket, YY said warmly and happily that mom that's my classmate named A xxx, later A smiled to YY, 
someone will play a while, running happily hands in hands,
in the park, meet then play and dance hands in hands by themselves,
on the way, especially yesterday, we walked on opposite way, B classmate and her mom, 
but they did greet naturely, at the same time B waved the hands to YY, YY smiled to her immediately, 
so nice and high cooperation tightly between 3 years-old group,

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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