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Letter 2

773 views. 2018-12-17 21:59 |Individual Classification:Letter Writing

December 21, 2018

Dear Mr. Smith,

How are you now? I’m writing to express my sincere thanks to you for your big help in the improvement of my oral English.

Two months ago, I came to the training center with great hope and admiration. I still remember my oral English then was so poor that nobody could understand my self-introduction, which was really a great blow to me. In the following courses that day, I did not even open my mouth. However, after class you told me that nobody would laugh at me, what I need to do was to speak, and speak loudly. Under your encouragement and guidance, I began to speak in the class gradually and corrected my pronunciation consciously. Two months pass quickly and now I can talk with English-speakers fluently and naturally. All these are due to your kind help and excellent teaching, so thank you!

Now I am back in my own country, and I will begin my work tomorrow. However, no matter how busy I will be, I will insist on practicing my oral English. So believe that, next time you see me, you will find that I speak English so well just like a native speaker.

Best wishes to you.

Yours sincerely,

Jack Peng

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