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Helen Liang - My Planet [Favorites] [Copy] [Shares] [RSS]


11th of September

1660 views. 2013-9-10 23:07

11th of September, Tuesday    Sunny


Today did scare me a lot these days. It had been my big concern. In fact, I dreamed of them two last night. Kevin, our technical depart manager, shown up as a sexy lady in my wired dream. While Kevin occupied one end of the sofa with a sexy post, James seated himself on the other with arms spread along the sofa backboard. The arrogant manner surprised me. After saying hello to them, Alun beckoned me forward to make a formal introduction.


“Nice to meet u. I’m Helen. I’m new here.” Said my nervous but pretending clam voice. Kevin was playing with her fingernails, paying no attention to me. James, looked up and stared at me, responded me with absent smile.


My confidence and enthusiasm melt away…


“Just like what I wrote to you on my first working day, ” since they are absent-minded, then no need to struggle with what to say next. “Thanks for giving me this opportunity and I will work hard so that I can be qualified for this job.”


While James was still off –minded, Kevin turned her head aside but I could still hear her giggle. She was laughing at my clich…


But fortunately, it’s only a dream. James and Kevin are very nice guy.


“You must be Helen.” Before I did the introduction, James reached out his hand and handshake with me. No introduction was needed—he remembers me. “How do you feel these days?”


James was from USA, look like at the age of no more than forty (later learn from the chat that he is 48 now). Unlike most tall and strong American men I know, he is a little shorter. But is very talkative and often smiles (this is good to me as a communication can be very easily started—I’m not proactive talker). In the afternoon and dinner time, he shared what happened to him while he carried out some projects in Jolo, Sulu of northern Philippines, the hometown of Islamic terrorism.  


The Kevin I saw at noon convinced me that dreams are mirror of real life. He is a white-haired British man (learn from his British accent). A nice and easy-going man also. Gave us a training regarding IT in the afternoon. But needed to go back to Thailand office for a meeting with a client at three.


Anyway, the first day of this period has passed smoothly. James will leave the day after tomorrow and Bill will be office tomorrow. Bill, my dear Bill…

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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