Yesterday,two of my friends and I came to visit a primary school which was in a very rural aera in beijing.As it the first time taking part in such activites, I felt very excited .When we got off subway and took 15minutes bus ,we arrived at the destinition.At first I thought that the school must be very grand `````in a word everything is good,The scene took my eyes.I told to my friends that the school looked like my mother school 10years ago.It was dominated by NBA and several companys &organizations. The facilities were not very good .
The aim for our visit was to taught these students basketball and transfer happiness to them .The children were very lively and they all cherished such good chances.We group was divide to three parts:baskeball English/techniques/games.I was respionble for basketball English.As the children were not familiar with me,they felt ambarrassed when I met them.With time going on ,we all enjoyed ourselves.Most of these children came to beijing with their parents who were from rural places and woking here.As a result they can't receive good education and seemed very afraid of English.I and another parter tired our best to teach them and gived examples to them.In order to help them learn these words better ,we made an interesting game.We seperated the children to two groups and comepe with each other.Every child take dribblings to me and told me a word he or she learned today.If he or she gave me the right answer,he can shoot,otherwise he had to return the end of the team and take a second time.The winener is the team who completed the game first.All of them showed great enthusiasm.
Time flies!Our visit came to an end.I wish for the next visit.When I sit here and remember the experience ,I feel very happy.Though these children are not from a rich family and cannot get good education,I believe all of them are the flowers in my country.I feel pround of them.
Come on Guys ,I beileve you.