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What are friends for?

959 views. 2010-5-6 01:12 |Individual Classification:foreignercn|

  It's too late,while I don't wanna go to sleep.I want write down something about my friends.
  Actually,I am so tired that I even do not wanna say a word.So,I just express my feelings in this quiet way.I really enjoy writing blog while listening to music,especially at this time,the whole world seems leave me alone.I forget from when on,I get used to sleeping less.5hours?4hours? whatever..
  Being not in a good mood these days,I always complain that I'm nearly buried by such a huge workload. What can I do,It seems that I'm totally stucked into a situation out of control.Terrible..
  Fortunately,friends are always there give me warm and strength.They courage me to carry on,when I in depression and even wanna give up.Frankly speaking,I do not have too many friends,but I do appreciate the fate that I met several life-long friends during my senior school years.The time we spent together is unforgetable which will retain in my mind forever.Though it was full of stress for college entrance exam and we had so many homework to do which seems never could be finished,our friendship developed deeply during that special period of time.
  We have not seen each other that often since we became college students,but it
do not  influence our friendship.On the controry, it makes us miss each other more.Friendship which gets through long time become more precious.It's cannot be better that you have friends to rely on if one is in trouble.
  So what are friends for? A friend in need is a friend in deed..

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Reply Sharing 2010-5-6 11:45
I do believe the  truth "A friend in need is a friend in deed".However,sometimes I doubt they are liars,because they can only share your joys .
In my opinion,the friend who can go through thick and thin together with you is the one you should value.And others,they are just  passengers.
Practically,I don't know how to deal with a friendship.You know the society is so complex that  we even can't believe the one who around me.Therefore,we prefer to make friends in long distantce,and those people may not hurt us deeply.
So what are friends for?Sometimes they are partners and companions,sometime they are  opponents and enemies.Above all,Time tries all.
Reply Teddy126 2010-6-20 18:29
It's great you have "several life-long friends" there~
But I believe college life is dynamic and colorful,maybe you should also consider making new friends
It can be difficult sometimes,but you should keep trying
Best wishes

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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