Well, I've been absent from here for a while. I even forgot my password when I tried to log in.
Things have been developing, slowly but irreversibly, during the past few months(half a year actually). Now I am going to the UK soon. Tomorrow I will hop on the train to GZ and kick off the whole process.
As for the future, I have mixed feelings. As the date draws near and the time of departure looms even closer, I feel excited yet also anxious, since it is both an opportunity and a challenge.(the latter more than the former actually.) I perceive that things happening there will be beyond my estimation and I will encounter many things that I have never experienced and tried dealing with before.
Well, to look on the bright side, I am already aware about its unpredictability and ready to take the incoming challenges. There is nothing worse than witnessing your aspiration and expectation get dampened and shattered by the reality.
Hooooo, it must be depressing and confusing to read this article, since I seem to be tangled up in the war from within, between my positive side and negative side.