To conduct my-self with a stunning philosophy
Philosophy idea has played a vital role in promoting the growing of human moral and creating a harmonious society. Based on the most basic beliefs, Great man in the world had achieved the greatest achievements, despite of numerous and difficult occasions met in their limited real life. Bruce Lee (Li Xiao Long), A very famous martial artist and action film actor. the founder of Jeet Kune Do(截道).Lee is also best known as a famous philosopher. his original Kungfu JieQuanDao is derived from Chinese ancient and traditional philosophy idea such as Confucian(儒) ,Buddhism(释) and Taoism (道) . So you will see how power a great philosophy to motivate a man's inner potential talent.
Cannot I do the same with a profound wisdom philosophy which bears my name ?
I still remember that grimy and gray day when my father left us toward a long long heaven 10 years ago.That moment i felt i was sticking in a rut and got stale. A despairing ideal of suicide even flashed upon my mind but i knew i couldn't do like that. because i had to fulfil my obligation to take care of my mother and two little and young sister. To persuade my-self into changing such negative idea.Buddhism(释) philosophy came into my mind.It is in a sense that greatly influenced the values of my life and helped me successfully spend my time in such darkness day .
Contributing to the bad experience of time management after graduating from university and taking charge of my work. I found it's extremely essential to conduct my-self with the idea " the strength of will" which is commonly popular in philosophers as Cynicis. Philosophy Cynicism offered people the possibility of happiness and freedom from suffering in an age of uncertainty. When I brought this idea into my world, a great change coming upon me. Every time the inner sense told me that I should stop these actions that wasted time, these activity are likely reading news through Internet for more than half of an hour, unwilling to firstly finish a difficult work and talking or chatting with my colleague or salesman from other company. So it is what keep me fresh and keep me from any other extra disturbance in real life.
And the most important thing is that I have demonstrated the pleasure of using such philosophy idea and more enthusiasms can be saved to do the more major work in a joyful way.
Writen by Colman, on Nov 5th .2014 In ShangHai.
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