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247 views. 2021-9-10 11:04

As a teacher, the priority is to teach students knowledge from the text books. Teaching is a job which is as same as other occupations do in their specialized fields. A teacher is well recognized as a tutor to guide and make students know better from what they get from blackboard. More importantly, students get to realize the importance of the knowledge not only from text books but also extracurricular ones. They learn to be conscientious and form the hahit of self-studying. Pretty much, they get the gist of schooling which is the purpose of school is to be self-awareness and independent. Then the teacher is qualified to be called a teacher.

In reality, students are passively accepting what teachers tell them. They seldom have ideas to question, inquire and challenge. Even though the shutdown of craming instituions, in schools on classes they still got no qualified teaching. On the contrary, particularly students from elementary schools and middle schools, are asked to finish their homework under the suveillance of their parents. Meanwhile, their parents have to constantly check messages from wechat groups from teachers that they should tutor and guide their kids after school. So, the parents have to work and meanwhile teach, what's more, they have to pay the tuition. Thus, here is the question, who are the real teachers? 

Parents are the vital tutors for kids. While as for professional teaching, school teachers are obligated to to finish their jobs. Of course, school teachers are pushed to assign homework and finish various kinds of tasks from their schools. If they cannot follow and meet the KPI, they may face the salary deduction and even worse, the destiny of unemployment.

In such kind of a vicious circle, the teaching is usually not guaranteed. Students are nothing but cookie-cutters. 

Anyway, there are still many good teachers. As gardeners, they are doing good in teaching and helping students to have chances to enter into better senior schools and colleges.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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