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Balance Between Hobby and Work

97 views. 2024-12-14 21:15

Doing what you love is easy to say but hard to achieve. In reality, there is a fundamental difference between passion and work. Many people, for the sake of making a living, take on jobs they don’t enjoy, sometimes finding them unbearably painful. After all, securing a position that aligns with one’s academic background while offering even a modest salary is a rare privilege for most graduates. This reality often leads to frustration, yet the wisdom of life stems from adaptability and growth.

Throughout life, we must keep learning as we age. When facing challenges, it’s crucial not to cling stubbornly to a single path or remain trapped in a narrow perspective. Such rigidity can lead to stagnation, making it difficult to move forward, let alone turn things around. The key lies in responding flexibly to changing circumstances and actively enhancing one’s skills. While passion is undeniably important, finding fulfillment in day-to-day work or weaving personal interests into life can be equally wise. By fostering an attitude of learning and growth, you may unlock broader opportunities and ultimately discover a harmony where passion and work coexist seamlessly.

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