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289 views. 2024-12-1 14:02

If you make no defense, 
Decay could commence.
Terrible is loss of sense
Instead of rival offence.

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Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-2 08:08
Seeing others suffer torture,
These villains take pleasure.
Just enchanted by the devil,
With very images of people.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-3 08:38
Winter changes my habit.
I can enjoy great benefit.
The most hideous bandit
May possess some merit.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-4 09:03
Happy old home in heart.
No more at realistic part.
Perhaps our native place,
I may find a vague trace.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-5 08:35
The addition is written well.
So popular and easy to sell.
Now only has brilliant shell.
Quite loses its former spell.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-6 08:56
Many we won't possess.
No use to be in distress.
As the desire turns less,
Happiness gives caress.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-7 10:40
Most time stay indoors.
Busy with more chores.
As the times turn hard,
Who might pay regard?
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-8 11:12
Taking dog as companion,
Intolerable in my opinion.
Everyone can keep a pet,
When energy gets outlet.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-9 09:12
To create requires passion.
Decision needs our reason.
For my choices in the past,
I never regret for the cast.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-10 08:46
Regime removed from place.
On Russia it brings disgrace.
Such situation it has to face.
Is hard to maintain its base.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-11 08:36
Most of his poems common.
Just a minority well written.
To read the heart and soul
Is enough,never the whole.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-12 08:48
His poems with help of wine
Could pop out line after line.
These verses like gold mine.
So many of them still shine.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-13 07:52
His style is taken unique.
None can reach his peak.
He is being from heaven,
Really above any person.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-14 14:37
Wife young husband old.
By chance I may behold.
She's either bold or sold.
And my envy will unfold.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-15 10:00
Weak can defeat strong.
This mayn't before long.
I believe there's justice.
And no room for malice.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-16 08:35
Should learn to wait
Just for a better fate.
Delays with patience
Will make difference.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-17 08:33
This is a girl really nice,
Will make any sacrifice.
So she seems doomed.
And bad luck removed.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-18 09:27
That chief without fight
Made enemy take flight.
He truly military genius,
Left records so glorious.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-19 07:56
Recently I feel a little ill.
Possibly I caught a chill.
And my throat sore still.
Just hot water not a pill.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-20 08:14
My health turned worse.
But nobody could nurse.
Nice found pills in store.
Specially bought before.
Reply Sumingyu 2024-12-21 10:32
Mother came into dream,
Very active with a gleam.
At her death didn't weep.
My love is true and deep.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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