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1147 views. 2013-1-1 23:21


Youth doesn’t mean much money with which you can manage a marriage and buy a big house.

Youth doesn’t mean a lover with who you will feel enthusiastic and fall in love deeply.

Youth doesn’t mean a satisfied job with which you can gain precious experience and exercise yourself.

Youth means no matter how the road will be, smooth or tough, you can insist on your dream rooted in your mind .If someone say no to your decision, ignore it and protect your dream. Life is a long journey giving you enough time to finish your dream. Everyone should have a dream which make you different and unique. A man without a dream is just as a bird without colourful feathers, waiting for him is just pity.

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Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply lgityt 2013-1-2 10:21
Youth is everything and nothing...
Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2013-1-2 11:02
Reply indiangirl 2013-1-2 11:33
It is so funny that when you were in kindergarden that the question of what is your dream when you grow up, and I always have many different answers when in different ages, so dreams could not be only one, but the only one must the right one that deserve the whole life to realize...
Reply xuechengzhang 2013-1-2 18:25
indiangirl: It is so funny that when you were in kindergarden that the question of what is your dream when you grow up, and I always have many different answers w
yeah ,i agree the idea that we may have different goals in different period of life,but in my opinion,dream is only one.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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