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That guy broke my heart for now,what should I do

Hot 41020 views. 2015-5-6 23:07 | should, heart

      I don't know what to say,but I demand  to write sth.I became a postgraduate.I have a new life,I have new friends,I also have a boyfriend, by the way maybe I could call him"boyfriend".We just met on May 1,which is our frist meet in really life.We know each other by the WEIBO,but never see.He give me a  sense that he likes me deeply.Every night we talk,and he collect all my photos.This festival we make a  appointment to see each other in Beijing.
     When we  see and have a talk in really life,I don't feel that he likes me.No denying that he is a smart guy,have a high EQ,and during in Beijing,he is  very kind,but I don't feel he is fall love with me.Now he is still a postgraduate in grade 2,he know many things what I don't  know.I feel so bad.Everytime I look he face,I still don't know what he think,his face just like a  lake that having no waves.
   After I go back to college,he have no call,maybe he doesn't care about I‘m safe or not,at least I think that it is.The other day he give me a message through WEiXIN, he said he maybe take an examination of PHD,OK fine, I support,or what should I say,but in my heart I don't want him to take.Then we make fun of  if he become Peking University's Dr.,I can visit 北大 in anytime I free,then he said we are not familiar.He has a little avoid me.I don't  know it just a joke or is true,he doesn't likes me,and he decide to avoid me??????We have this type of joke before we have not see each other,but after we meet  I really don't  know that word is true or still a joke.I am angry I said I am stupid girl,I should have self-knowledge,and if that is true I will not connect you.Then he set a cartoon which means like face.I don't konw if I should trust him.And then I said noting word.
   Until Now!!!!!He doesn't  contact me,I think he must konw I am angry when I heard that word what he said yesterday.But he not contact me.Maybe he doesn't like me .That words are true,not a joke. I feel so bad,Am I really like that guy???NO,NO,NO,I hope NO!Please give me some advices friends.Thanks.

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Reply Tange 2015-5-6 23:17
wow , the romance is beautiful , but sometime it hurted deeply;
you still young , so that you have your chance to meet another guy ...  the destiny is coming ... hehe
Reply xiaoquan 2015-5-7 08:51
Tange: wow , the romance is beautiful , but sometime it hurted deeply;
you still young , so that you have your chance to meet another guy ...  the destiny i ...
Thanks ,my friend.Now I feel losing something,and I don't have a good sleep last night.I recall the ex-,we still have no word at last,and then have apart.Actually I suppose this guy ought not to be a boyfriend. Wish god bless me have a true love.
Reply lovingfun 2015-5-7 14:14
Not every loveness will have a happy ending,  not every in loves can make a couple at last. Why, just because we are humans, we have some stutle feeling that hide deep in heart, only those who in loves got the heart and soul with each other that may accompany with the life journey forever.
Don't be too upset and sad. After the emtions fade, you will think better and make a well decision, anyway , once you make a decison, whatever it maybe,just trust your heart, and never regrets.
Reply sunnyv 2015-5-7 20:18
lovingfun: Not every loveness will have a happy ending,  not every in loves can make a couple at last. Why, just because we are humans, we have some stutle feeli ...
That is true. You do understand how romantic relationship works. It is the way you have describe here. Good advice.
Reply sunnyv 2015-5-7 20:18
Actually, we can't say he is not interested in you because he still sent you a message after you met him. He would not have sent that message if he has no interest in you. I think he is indecisive, that means he has not made up his mind about the relationship with you, that is why he kept the distance and yet message you. In this situation, you would need to have some patience and see how he behaves from this point onward. After sometime, you should be able to gather enough information and decide whether this is a tangible relationship.
Reply xiaoquan 2015-5-7 21:57
sunnyv: Actually, we can't say he is not interested in you because he still sent you a message after you met him. He would not have sent that message if he ha ...
Thank you very much ,my dear friend.Your advice is sensible and useful,really.The guy just call me ,he said that he feel long time have not in touch with me,and tell me that he have a lot of things have to deal, lately.I don't konw if I should trust him.Does he really busy??or that is just a excuse??!!Maybe is true or not.Maybe I also have some problems, being single for a long time,and now I am really sensitive.
Reply xiaoquan 2015-5-7 22:33
lovingfun: Not every loveness will have a happy ending,  not every in loves can make a couple at last. Why, just because we are humans, we have some stutle feeli ...
Thanks ,my friend.I make a decision to see his behaves for a while.I just want to give me a chance and not regret.If he doesn't like me,I will accept and look forward to the true love.
Reply Hardstudy 2015-5-8 10:27
In my opinion, before he was interesting in you that the reason I think it might be the distance make the things beautiful, now he already meet you in person the curious is satisfied him. He knows more about you and he need time to think about if the relationship can be succeed.
If you really like him you can tell him your feeling.
Reply sunnyv 2015-5-8 10:42
xiaoquan: Thanks ,my friend.I make a decision to see his behaves for a while.I just want to give me a chance and not regret.If he doesn't like me,I will accept  ...
Yes, that is the way to go, observe him for a while and see what are the prospects, should it be worthwhile, then by all means commit yourself to a long term relationship and if not, then decide otherwise.
Reply sunnyv 2015-5-8 10:48
xiaoquan: Thank you very much ,my dear friend.Your advice is sensible and useful,really.The guy just call me ,he said that he feel long time have not in touch w ...
Nice to note that you are a practical girl, have a clear mind, down to earth and would not submit to falsehood.  So long as he maintains contact with you, then there is some substance in the relationship. My opinion is that he seems really a bit busy and on the other hand he is uncertain about his feelings toward you yet, so as you said, give it some time and see how it goes. It would be unfair to you and him to accuse him of neglect on flimsy reasons. Nobody would give up so easily because if you do, you may regret it forever. Considering that you have been single for some time, there is no point in giving up so easily. This relationship needs nurturing and nursing, so give it a chance for your own long term peace of mind. At present, the relationship is worth cultivating.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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