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When you face a brand new day

1312 views. 2011-9-6 11:34

When you face a brand new day, you have many dreams.
When you face a brand new day, you start to enjoy the early new sunshine.
When you face a brand new day, you start to breath new day's fresh air.
When you face a brand new day, you wanna do what you like.
When you face a brand new day, you wanna see many people who you wanna see.
When you face a brand new day, you wanna eat too much food that you like.
When you face a brand new day, you have a different mood.
When you face a brand new day, you have many different opportunities to select.
When you face a brand new day, you have many chances to make a miracle.  
In a brand new day, you have a new hope, you have a new goal, you have a new journey.
Thus, new sun, new morning, new noon, new evening, many new things, welcome to a new day with a new mood!
  just smile! just do it! it is a new day! every day is a new day!
  wow, wow, wow, wow,wow, wow !!! .................

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Reply snowflying 2011-9-6 11:41
wow,wow,wow, my god! what a new blog with a new mood in a new day of  the new semester, facing new future , greeting new dates!
Reply JMZ 2011-9-6 11:56
snowflying: wow,wow,wow, my god! what a new blog with a new mood in a new day of  the new semester, facing new future , greeting new dates!
you said well, more "new" words, i love it! hehe~~  yes, new semester, new mood, new blog, many new.  lol~~  my best and dear friend! how have you been recently?  when will you go to your school? ~~~
Reply snowflying 2011-9-6 12:02
JMZ: you said well, more "new" words, i love it! hehe~~  yes, new semester, new mood, new blog, many new.  lol~~  my best and dear friend! how ha
i still wanna be a student at any time, an eternal dream maybe.  so only study a piece on-the-job. reading your this blog, always feel so more refreshness, so more lightness,so more hopefulness,so more vision,so more longing. what a really brand!
Reply JMZ 2011-9-6 12:22
snowflying: i still wanna be a student at any time, an eternal dream maybe.  so only study a piece on-the-job. reading your this blog, always feel so more refresh
i love your many "so" words. yes, I met some on-the job students. it seems that they are very busy. Anyway, it is a way to learn new knowleage. now you have two status:worker and student, hehe~~ different  experience.... and new experience~~~
Reply snowflying 2011-9-6 12:29
JMZ: i love your many "so" words. yes, I met some on-the job students. it seems that they are very busy. Anyway, it is a way to learn new
aha,JMZ, to be frank, maybe my worker status has an end someday,but my student status will be enternal along all my lifetime.  different people have different viewpoints about different value in different life stage with engaging in different business along learning different skills,wish you have a brand difference!
Reply linda@crab 2011-9-6 13:42
snowflying: aha,JMZ, to be frank, maybe my worker status has an end someday,but my student status will be enternal along all my lifetime.  different people have d
how high passion for thought-provoking. thanks for your sharing! everyday u just do some title action no matter in appearance,facial expression...good mood u will have. relax and feel new fresh air. smile smile for ourselves.
Reply sophia_2011 2011-9-6 13:51
We create a new day by ourselves. We are seldom affected  if we are tolerant ,forgiving
Reply JMZ 2011-9-6 20:00
sophia_2011: We create a new day by ourselves. We are seldom affected  if we are tolerant ,forgiving
Hi! Sophia, my cousin's name is the same with you, she is eight years old. hehe~~~
Reply snowflying 2011-9-6 20:36
linda@crab: how high passion for thought-provoking. thanks for your sharing! everyday u just do some title action no matter in appearance,facial expression...good
thanks,best wish to you.
Reply possible 2011-12-18 20:53
wow wow wow,you got a hight spirit  in a new day of  the new semester,,but i read your bolg at midnight at the end of this semester..and how should i understand the meaning of "brand",this word has "品牌","商标" and "烙印" so on..but it seems that these meaning is unfit in your sentence..maybe i need your help~hah
Reply JMZ 2011-12-18 21:20
possible: wow wow wow,you got a hight spirit  in a new day of  the new semester,,but i read your bolg at midnight at the end of this semester..and how should i
heh, brand new is a phrase which means"全新的;崭新的". remembered, a song or a movie called <a brand new day>, hope I remembered that is right, hahha~~
Reply possible 2011-12-18 21:28
oh!really ~i Use youdao dictionary to look up this word...but it don't show the meaning.i am not good at english~ha
Reply JMZ 2011-12-18 21:40
possible: oh!really ~i Use youdao dictionary to look up this word...but it don't show the meaning.i am not good at english~ha
No, plz don't say like this, you are so great, and from your articles and comments, I think your english is good, just go ahead~~ come on together~~   besides, wow, tonight, you have commented many of my blogs, thanks for your comments for my articles,and thanks for your support, from the bottom of my heart, my friends, best wishes to you!
Reply possible 2011-12-18 21:43
Reply JMZ 2011-12-18 21:48
possible: 用中国话讲~你太客气了啦,这没什么
hahah, ok! najiu bunamkeqila, my friends,
Reply Robert.yan 2012-4-27 12:53
What a nice poesy!  The format is good, the meaning is better. You're a sunshine girl, I like it. Hope to read more.
Reply JMZ 2012-4-27 21:44
Robert.yan: What a nice poesy!  The format is good, the meaning is better. You're a sunshine girl, I like it.Hope to read more.
Thanks, I am flattered~~  
nice to meet you here~ new friends~~
Reply Robert.yan 2012-4-27 23:48
Nice to meet you too, my friend.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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