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The number of Dioenglish is almost reaching to 100,000.
2012-9-22 17:43 Reply|
Learned French by osmosis while residing in Paris for 15 years 居住在巴黎的十五年已经潜移默化地学习了法语
2011-11-15 20:24 Reply|
He has no notion of what I mean 他不明白我的意思 In this house grandfather rules the roost. 祖父在这所房子里当家做主 The consequence of her misdeeds eventually came home to roost
  • sedgehead: 我也建议:He has not idea about what I mean 或是 about what I want to say. (11-14 03:34)
2011-11-13 18:38 Reply|
Fantasies are more than sustitudes for the unpleasant reality 幻想的意义并不仅在于作为失意现实的替代物
2011-11-12 23:16 Reply|
They hailed insults at me. 他们对我大加侮辱。
2011-11-12 19:27 Reply|
scared out of my wits 吓得我魂不附体
2011-11-11 21:07 Reply|
We must consider all the difficulties en bloc 我们必须从整体上考虑这些困难
2011-11-11 06:20 Reply|
We'll be sitting in the second carriage from the bottom of the train. 我们的位置在倒数第二节车厢里
2011-11-10 20:55 Reply|
Don't let on that you know me 不要让人知道你认识我
2011-11-9 21:02 Reply|
working without stint. 无限制地工作 Don't stint the food. 不要节省食物
  • Regina_Li: I like this one! Especially "dno't stint the food!" (11-6 19:37)
2011-11-6 18:31 Reply|
I now know with hindsight that i did him a terrible wrong. 我事后才明白我完全冤枉了他。
2011-11-2 20:12 Reply|
They had to fork out $100 to get the lorry reparied 他们不得不付了 100 美元才把卡车修好 fork out 不情愿支付
2011-11-2 17:24 Reply|
I like tree because they seem more resigned to the way they have to live than other things do. 我喜欢树,因为它们似乎比其他任何事物都顺从于它们必须生活的方式。
2011-11-2 10:49 Reply|
drafted into the army 被征召入伍
2011-11-1 23:07 Reply|
The plans for the picnic fizzled out 野餐的计划失败了 The party fizzled out before midnight. 参加聚会的人在午夜前作鸟兽散
2011-11-1 15:34 Reply|
We made a wager that he would win. 我们保证他会胜
2011-11-1 09:44 Reply|
circumvent the laws 废止法治 circumvent his enemies 用计谋战胜敌人
2011-10-31 19:07 Reply|
To reclaim rubber from old tires 从旧轮胎中回收橡胶
2011-10-31 15:26 Reply|
poach the fish in wine 以酒烹调鱼
2011-10-30 19:44 Reply|
Put up a gallant resistance to the attackers 英勇顽强地抵抗攻击者
2011-10-30 09:28 Reply|

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