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Do you believe such a story, why?

2571 views. 2010-5-6 15:13 |

I read a love story from Xiao Nei that was wrriten with merely a few words. Sometimes words fail and there are so much to see behind simple letters. Love to know how you think of this story and if you believe it or not. Any comments are pleased to hear^ ^
Exs met on the street two years later after breaking up.
Boy: " how are you?"
Girl: "well."
Boy: " How is he?"
Girl: "well."
Girl: "how are you?"
Girl: "how is she?"
Boy: "she just said well."

Post comment Comment (29 replies)

Reply touringchina 2010-5-6 15:42
I thought it's reliable,coz every story is based on actual affairs.
Reply ofelia 2010-5-6 17:31
I believe it, but I don't appreciate it.
Reply Pennyniu 2010-5-6 22:48
I have seen this story before, I think it's so beautiful and romantic!
Reply wolf13 2010-5-6 23:34
It is damn freak.How can it happen in the real life?I think the guy who made up it must have seen too many romantic and unrealistic TV series,and i guess lz is kind of person who are keen to this kind of romance.
Reply MarkLee 2010-5-7 07:36
I don't know why, I can't help being a little moved when I finish this story
Reply Sally_Fan 2010-5-7 08:26
I don't know believe or not, but I will think that boy want to please that girl, even they have separated two years.
Reply catnfish 2010-5-7 08:29
wolf13: It is damn freak.How can it happen in the real life?I think the guy who made up it must have seen too many romantic and unrealistic TV series,and i gu
No personal offense hey !..I didn't say anything above whether I like it or not. Don't assume it!.. Your comments are really appreciated though~^ ^
Reply rainecho415 2010-5-7 08:51
Sometimes life is more dramatic and more romantic than the TV.
Reply woods 2010-5-7 21:49
Poor guy~
Reply Ady 2010-5-8 15:00
The condition of network is poor, the video can't play!
Reply wolf13 2010-5-8 17:00
I am so sorry to have offend u .However,i didn't just assum.i do have my logic to say that,for if u dislike it or don't believe in the parodox romance,why did u take trouble to paste it here?Just to entertain the innocent boys and girls,or encourage a boy dump a girl,and then pretent to still love her in a deep sense?Sorry again for offending u once more.just ignore my nonsence.
Reply catnfish 2010-5-8 20:00
Ady: The condition of network is poor, the video can't play!
yeah. sorry about that~ I'll try to connect it again^^
Reply catnfish 2010-5-8 20:03
wolf13: I am so sorry to have offend u .However,i didn't just assum.i do have my logic to say that,for if u dislike it or don't believe in the parodox romance
I'm curious to know what people think about it^^That's all..hmm usually I don't like argument. again your comments are appreciated~No worries and dont take it serious. It's just a little game to play:p Enjoy your weekend~
Reply Cenir.xue 2010-5-9 09:07
i feel a little moving when i finish reading that stroy...why don't they chat about other things, but care about each other's love affair...I don't think they are happy to know!
Reply catnfish 2010-5-9 20:50
Cenir.xue: i feel a little moving when i finish reading that stroy...why don't they chat about other things, but care about each other's love affair...I don't th
Reply windhearer 2010-5-11 18:02
The girl married a man . The boy remains single , still missing the girl . He seems to waiting for sth , the original girl , the lost love , or something else ?. We can see there is still something nice in the boy innermost heart.  Why he keeps it ,only he knows it . A lovely boy , a reliable boy , a boy who is worth cherishing for any girl , but everything comes to an end . As the saying goes ,love understands love, it needs no talk(爱情只可会意,不可言传). wish that all lovers in the world could be united in wedlock (愿天下有情人终成眷属)
Reply catnfish 2010-5-11 18:33
windhearer: The girl married a man . The boy remains single , still missing the girl . He seems to waiting for sth , the original girl , the lost love , or someth
Nice interpretaion hey hey:p I bet you get the author well, although there'd be a thousand opinions in 1000 ppl's eyes^ ^ Enjoy your night~
Reply miliruan 2010-5-14 12:23
I thinkthe boy still loves this girl.he hope the girl happy. but it seems the girl is not that happy.
Reply jiefeng 2010-5-20 10:31
Nice story, simple. But the word "well" really means a lot.
Reply Fionahere 2010-5-24 14:31
i'm curious to know what the girl felt or thought when she heard her ex bf said so. Was she moved by the simple words? Indeed, i was.   ^ ^

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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