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Is there no free to register in DioEnglish any more?

Hot 61081 views. 2015-6-1 16:32 | registered, remember, English, friends, website

A few days ago, my friends asked me how do I learn English. I said I would come to DioEnglish website and read those comments from one person.
One of my friends told me he cannot register this website, seems it needs to pay money to buy the registration. I remember when I registered this website it is free of charge, why it needs to pay now? Is it so famous now? Most of my friends don't hear about this website, and seems there are less and less friends would like write to blog here. 

Post comment Comment (7 replies)

Reply qianwen 2015-6-1 21:22
Yes,it needs charges for new member. But i still like to  write something here, for there are many friends here who would share their story and give helpful advices. I like this big family.
Reply qianwen 2015-6-1 21:22
Yes,it needs charges for new member. But i still like to  write something here, for there are many friends here who would share their story and give helpful advices. I like this big family.
Reply lovingfun 2015-6-2 09:20
Never know this before, at what time it get charges to be a member here? Anyway, I guess it is still worthy to be a member here.
Reply morlly 2015-6-2 11:06
when i want to practice my English writing skills,i try to find a good website online.I found the dioenglish website unexpectedly.I doubted this website firstly after paying money for registering,but now i have to recognize that this is a good site.
Reply kyle2012 2015-6-2 15:05
yep it's true that new members need to pay 20RMB for setting accounccount in dioenglish .fror this ,some friends give up .
Reply sunnyv 2015-6-2 17:43
Hi, I think I remember you or maybe I know you.. haha..  
Long time not seen you here, how are you doing?

Yes, I also don't think it is a good thing to ask people to pay Rmb20 to join Dioenglish because nobody wants to pay anything on the internet except for shopping. Rmb20 is a very small amount but nobody would pay. It is because of this payment that we have not seen new members for a long time. I wish the charges could be eliminated.
Reply lijuanandrea 2015-6-12 17:22
wowm need money to singe a new member, i don;t like the change

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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