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Merry Charismas

1395 views. 2011-12-28 08:14 |


The flowing snowflake in the sky is like the white wing of the angel, who brings the snowflake to me. If you take a breath and then release it slowly, the snowflake will be glad to take off their beautiful and angulatus evening dress and give you a surprise. Standing in the crowd, I can’t help closing my eyes and say Merry Charismas in my inner heart.

The stars in the sky become brightness under the shining street lights. Just like the ocean’s evening with the dancing angers in the above sky. I am so excited, as far as the eye could see, with the sight of lovely circles. The Santa Claus that hanging on the wall is smiling at me now. Also it seems that the people who surround me are giving me so many Christmas Cards that filled with smile. I will never forget all this warming greetings and I will cherish them in my inner heart along with the unsaid greetings Merry Christmas.

The breeze that blowing our face gently is just like the sign of the angel. When looking up in the night sky, there comes the upbeat music and the tunes of the Ode to Joy. All this lovely tunes walk around from one place to the next and then skip to the night sky with the help of the snow and finally spread slowly in the crowd. Everything seems very lovely and people are all preoccupied with happiness. At this moment I would like to transfer one of the most moving and the greeting Merry Christmas to the common people.

Get some sleep and sleep well! Too many miracles will happen tonight. Tomorrow morning I will never forger to have a look at the stocks that hanging on the bedside. Maybe it contains the world in our eyes. Also I hope that the Santa Clause can give me the boots that I am dreaming about for a long period of time then I can scrunch through the snow.

Post comment Comment (5 replies)

Reply xixifighting 2011-12-28 08:41
WOW, amazing feeling  i have told the Santa Clause to send a pair of snow boots to you
Reply snowflying 2011-12-28 19:06
wow, what a beautiful scene! i like snow too, so my name call "snow flying",ahaaa..
girl, wish your dream come true! fill with your snow boots!
Reply Night-Wolf 2011-12-30 08:16
Tomorrow morning I will never forger to have a look at the "stocks" that hanging on the bedside.
"stocks" or "socks"
Reply liudan89 2011-12-30 14:29
•        It’s the unexpected that changes our lives.
Reply winner 2012-2-3 09:43
there is no accident.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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