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2013-4-15 11:09 Reply|
hookup work was put off until tomorrow...
2013-1-8 18:26 Reply|
2012-7-24 15:40 Reply|
A day got finished.
2012-7-22 16:38 Reply|
I was told I will accept a price in the meeting this afternoon.
2012-7-17 11:26 Reply|
I was told I will accept a price in the meeting this afternoon.
2012-7-17 11:26 Reply|
who did break wink in front of me............a sour one..............
2012-7-7 14:23 Reply|
Everyone has to be respected ,even a fool/
2012-7-7 14:14 Reply|
I was told I had to work two days in this
2012-7-6 14:18 Reply|
It's about not looking for outcomes.But just enjoying the process,that's when you become in the moment----Steve Nash!
2012-7-5 11:24 Reply|
I had a bath after playing comfortable...
2012-7-4 18:20 Reply|
I passed the course 2 of the driving test.....
2012-7-2 13:22 Reply|
my daughter is getting more and more beautiful.
2012-6-25 09:38 Reply|
good mentality.....
2012-6-20 07:56 Reply|
9/15,I must remember this date, maybe it is my deadline.
2012-6-19 16:16 Reply|
안되로 진행합시다.! I guess this plan will end up in the step of preparing.
2012-6-18 15:47 Reply|
getting an approrate budget is not a easy and simple thing.
  • Kimi011812: hehe, yeah, especially for supporting the whole familly, u can try to make a list, to set out where' s ur cash flow. My friend once told me a good way to cut down my expenditure. That is, when I want (6-8 10:56)
  • lgityt: I did not mean the famliy expenditure,I am budgeting for a new plan in the near future about a new product. (6-8 14:26)
  • Kimi011812: Oh, I see,but u wanna buy it or build a company to sell the product? (6-8 17:27)
  • lgityt: built a new workshop within the old building (6-18 15:49)
  • Kimi011812: Wow, great, u are your own boss now. What kind of workshop u are running for? (6-19 09:04)
  • lgityt: clean room. (6-19 10:31)
  • lgityt: I am not boss,I am a employee. (6-19 10:32)
  • Kimi011812: The day will come if u strive for it. (6-19 10:38)
2012-6-7 16:14 Reply|
I hate summer,not only it is so hot out,but also I am always on the carpet in summer. all for the temperature.
2012-5-28 10:20 Reply|
Though you are defeated,you will go home or fishing,I am to be backe you for ever.....I don't mind waiting another year.
2012-5-22 13:34 Reply|
In this factory,a korean factory,you must carry out what you superior pointed out or said about anything within 2 hours..... unconditionally!!!!!
2012-5-22 10:56 Reply|

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