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904 views. 2012-8-29 12:34

        coming back from Malaysia which made me feel so bad. from this traveling, i learnt a lot. i really understand what is china ,what is chinese and what is chinese from mainland. living there,i found there the people had a simple and happly life, from the newspaper ,i felt what they care about is their life, and their country. they hold a idea that is  sadu malaysia. what i learnt is really different from  what i got in china.
       from my heart deeply, i should say china should reform the society. our ZF should do something for the people indeed  not only on the lips . just do it sincerely ! hope our ZF and country not follow the steps of soviet union

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Reply aabbcc 2012-8-29 13:36
This is strong hope for alll of the people located bottom level of the society.But the surge of the offcial's corruption and scandal make them unreliable.No revolution,No improvement.I think now it is the most emergent time to Chinese nation.
Reply 3rdquarter99 2012-8-29 13:42
Are people in Mala having a good livelihood?
Reply robin_zhao0551 2012-8-29 21:15
from some parts , that it is
Reply robin_zhao0551 2012-8-29 21:18
that is right . but our ZF is good at weaving dreams and our education is not to make people wise but fool.  people don't realize the situation that they are in. so we should wise up and wake up
Reply robin_zhao0551 2012-8-29 21:21
from some parts, that it is

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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