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what did we get from the education of china ?

1045 views. 2012-11-7 12:19 |

looking my students , i  was thinking what did they learn? From their words , i really can not understand what they want to express. their words are full of the romantic future and dreams. over self-confidence made them extremely crispy.Even sometimes , they can not face to themselves. they are afraid of admitting their fault. so? how did our education shape them ? every day  they are sitting in the classroom, the lessons are all the same  no matter how many years passed . the education reform always only on the lips of leaders . that is why  we always cures them useless. they don't know how to build them, but our education tell them nothing only cheat. that is why they trust everything easily and blind. the students are mostly like the bubble students . out child is the X-child , our generation is the X-gernation . our education is the X-educaiton . our society is the X-society .

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Reply Alysahe 2012-11-7 14:37
I think it is not just the problem of system,it  reflects social problems.
Reply robin_zhao0551 2012-11-12 15:44
yes . freak society produce freak things

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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