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488 views. 2020-5-6 16:39 | life

Every one needs special house for themselves which tells us we have our own room on the earth . because of the more and more population we have to live in several storeies



There is affair to handel, I must leave  now .

flicker彩虹炫|EditDeleteReportsys2020-5-7 09:53I persue myself to update an article everyday on the English blog ,However, I was busy in writing and thihking yesterday then our doorbell rang and my relatives came in without advance notice . Then I stopped my writing hurriedly.
Actually I want to continue writing , but I can't do it smoothly, it seems that all the ideas about this point are lost. say sorry to you

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Reply sys 2020-5-7 09:53
I persue myself to update an article everyday on the English blog ,However, I was busy in writing and thihking yesterday then  our doorbell rang and my relatives came in without advance notice . Then I stopped my writing hurriedly.
Actually I want to continue writing , but I can't do it smoothly, it seems that all the ideas about this point are lost. say sorry to you

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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