It is so terrible when I came into this homepage, which didn't appeared normally as usual.
I found I have been writing on this website several years , meanwhile, I am even grateful more recently .
since I appreciate the life itself, I feel good every moment. furthermore, it is curtain perfect that I realize the life for me and the birds are same. we can't deny the truth that the life is frail not only for animal but for human. especially the aircraft disaster happened on 21st March. Therefore , I won't eat any meat from animals anymore. it is too merciless for me to bear the truth again.
To be honest , we are always being controlled by our emotion, if we don't put so much strength on the pursuing on progress or on the wealth , how happier we are on this earth !
I don't have any theme , just want to leave the trace here to remind myself that I should be cherish the precious time with family members together , which is my treasure through the whole life.
I DO hope my daughters to follow my step and care what they have