When opening the space of my QQ, I see a lot of seniors in their academic dress! Seemingly, they are very happy and excited. If I were them, I would cry and depress. For my part, the next station is not only the terminal but also the start point. Life is endless and fighting never ends! I cannot imagine that when I graduate what will happen. Maybe I am confused. But I cannot. I am a master of myself and my fate. A man suffered many things in the past; I don’t think that is misfortune, and to the contrary that is a wealth of their life.
My dear friend, you have graduated, and I will miss you very much in the future. Please determine the directions of yours, with great passion of you, come down to the earth by yourself, and keep your resolutions. I undoubtedly know the success belongs to you. At the time of graduation, farewell is a ruthless thing for the one who loves you. At this moment, nothing can take the place of the pain of departing. We have gotten along with each other for three years, and at present you will say good-bye to me. I don’t like the word of “goodbye” because it means we would never meet again. Maybe in your heart, I am insignificant. Please don’t use your indifferent heart to dig an insurmountable river for me who loves and misses you, and plainly I cannot resist the yearning.
I have a dream that one day I can hold your hands enjoying the prosperity of the world; I have a dream that one day I can stay with you forever, and I have a dream today. Please never say goodbye to me! In short, my only happiness is I am near you. Ah, let me see some of your faults; be less beautiful, less graceful, less tender, less good. I undoubtedly know that you must go. You must leave the big family and look for your dreams. This is in man’s nature. What happens when you have the wrong idea at the wrong time; what happens when you have the wrong notion at the wrong place; and what happens when you meet the unsuited person at this moment? Jimmy, my dear friend, you must never forget your dreams, and what life would be if we had no courage to attempt anything? Every morning you should not only rouse yourself but also your dreams. If you want to be a successful man, you have to control yourself. The girl whom you love is your idol, and you should learn from her. Love means responsibility. Nuptial love creates mankind; friendly love perfects it; but unsuitable love corrupts and degenerates it. Fall in love with a person; we should love her ungrudgingly and magnanimously.
Without you, I should take care of myself well; without you, I should pursue my dream and never give up it; without you, I should keep myself calm; without you, I should live better! Every one is his own traveler! Cherish every day and everyone standing by your side. My dear friend, you have to go to the outside of the world, and please take care of yourself. I want to be a strong wall for you. No matter where you go, no matter what you do, no matter whom you become, I am sure that our friendship will be never changed!
Someone has said that the measure of love is when loved without measure. What this someone feels for his or her sincere friend is total acceptance and love, whether he or she succeeds or fails. His or her love celebrates the victories and soothes the wounds. They stand by each other, no matter what life throws in their direction. A man once said, “What we can do for the one who we love is to love them without measure!’’
Maybe my English is so poor that I cannot show all of my feelings for you; maybe you cannot understand what I’ve said; maybe you ignore what I’ve written. It doesn’t matter; I just want to give my best wishes to you! Wish you all the best! Finally, please never say goodbye to me, in my world it means we never meet again.DioEnglish.com --- A Nice Place to Practice English and Make New Friends!
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