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sandywang1229's Space [Favorites] [Copy] [Shares] [RSS]


Shares you are a afraid man
2012-6-24 21:00
You are a afraid man Yes, as you have your own target And make great effort for it I should go ahead to come up with you Then we can have the connection with each other Hope that can come earlier I will hug with you to build up the life belong to us All we should to b ...
585 views|4 replies
Shares Any thoughts about my job
2012-6-4 22:54
2012-6-4 I feel much pressure as the people around me is very excellent. So I feel very depressivewhen I come into the office. It seems as some things above my heart. AndI do not breathe fluently sometimes. I want to escape it, but there is no place I can go. I must face it and endea ...
577 views|9 replies

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