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When writing is hard for you, how can you get started?

850 views. 2012-12-31 16:55 |

 As a professional teacher, my biggest pleasure is to read something of my boys and girls on their

 blog, but my timely logging always meets the empty pages. I kept wondering what are they doing?

 Is writing so difficult for them ?Actually ,You dont have to mind the grammar or spelling or punctuation mistakes you make. I just want you to 

write something because as long as you begin writing, I am concinced you will get your English steadily 

improved in a long run . But as long as your wisdom is bottled up in your heads, I can’t expect anything. 

 When writing is hard for you, how can you get started? Write about what you care about, and write to someone who 


  •If you have to write about your business but can’t get started, pretend your friends want to know what you do for a

 living. Write an email or write a letter to him.

  • If you’re writing a paper for school, imagine that your teacher is really interested in reading every word you write. 

Too much to imagine? Pretend that you’re writing an article for your favorite magazine.

  •Or pretend you’re writing to your grandmother or your best friend or your long-lost childhood friend.

  •If you can’t find someone who cares about what you have to say, imagine someone who does care. For example, I 

care. Don’t you feel better already?

So , never expect you are a successful wordsmith, Writing likes a piece of furniture, has its own 

set of requirements, laws of construction that have to be learnt. I can write something just because

 I had enforced myself to read plenty of readings, I could make a chair because I had sat on enough 

of them. By all means, if youre keen, jump straight in and have a go: but don't be too disappointed if 

your first efforts aren't as good as youd hoped. To expect the perfect article, you may find that your early 

attempts have wonky legs and an unsteady seat. So I’d recommend you starting small. Rather than beginning with 

impotant big, a routine trifals, or an entire adventure series … have a go at a short story or a view you aou are looking 

at some phenumenon.You may not be impressed with what comes out. But the sooner you get your wisdom out of 

your head and into your fingers or onto paper, the sooner you can make it better. No chance of improvement until you start.

Post comment Comment (11 replies)

Reply JimHuang 2012-12-31 18:56
improving on writing has been one of my hopes.
but biggest issue is no writing desire at all, but watching and reading. Don't want others know any things of mine, maybe it just problem of my personality.
Reply Soar 2012-12-31 20:04
Thanks for your good advice. Everything is difficult before they are easy. Maybe when writing became my habit, i wouldn't have any difficult writing down my thoughts.
Reply Polarland 2013-1-1 00:14
JimHuang: improving on writing has been one of my hopes.
but biggest issue is no writing desire at all, but watching and reading. Don't want others know any thi
Hi,Jim. as many of other persons, reading has become their hoobby,of course,there is no doubt reading is very important to build up your capability of writing, but you can never improve your literal fluence unless you make a point to your wrinting. hold up.
Reply Polarland 2013-1-1 00:17
Soar: Thanks for your good advice. Everything is difficult before they are easy. Maybe when writing became my habit, i wouldn't have any difficult writing d
Reply 逍遥飞吧 2013-1-1 09:27
No chance of improvement until you start
good sentence . but even if you are a professional teacher , l have found two spelling mistakes in the blog . the word  " concinced " in the fifth line is " convinced " . the word "  trifals" in the last three  line is "trifles" .  is that right ?  you are a good teacher . l regret not to meet such a genuine english teacher in shool . haha
Reply samanthe 2013-1-1 10:56
I'm completely be on board with your opinions,you will gain nothing if too lazy,for the first time in a while ,there is a hope,i will struggle for my work,my beautiful future.Not lazy
Reply Polarland 2013-1-2 10:41
逍遥飞吧: No chance of improvement until you start
good sentence . but even if you are a professional teacher , l have found two spelling mistakes in the blog .
Thanks for your cincise and acuracy, i am fast paced without checking my work,hehe,
Reply lgityt 2013-1-2 11:10
There is another one mistake phenumenon = phenomenon...
Reply Polarland 2013-1-2 19:30
lgityt: There is another one mistake phenumenon = phenomenon...
hehe ,Hoping u are brave enough to write something now.I am a good example for you,but try to be more careful,search more mistake,threre is one more mistake i placed inside.
Reply nieleih 2013-2-20 11:27
Good point, warm-hearted teacher, couldn't agree more
Reply Polarland 2013-2-25 20:39
nieleih: Good point, warm-hearted teacher, couldn't agree more
Thank u,let's work out together for our career.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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