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The Meaning of Life

529 views. 2017-11-14 11:03 |Individual Classification:Review

电影《七十七天》并没有曲折离奇的故事情节,在大片林立的今天,上座率和排片率都一般。然而,它和《Tuesday with Morrie》一样,引起了我对于人生意义的思考,仅仅为这个原因,我觉得已经值回票价了。
The movie “Seventy-seven days” deserves a fair go. It’s not one of those big hits, and the story itself is not very exciting, however, it can inspire you to think about the meanings of life. For that alone, I think it’s enough to make it a good movie.
The movie tells a true story about an explorer’s attempt to cross Jiangtang—A No Man’s Island where is full of various, unexpected dangers. What exactly has led an explorer to risk so much, even his life to pursue for? I am not an explorer, and I can’t say I’m 100 percent sure of the answer about this question.
In the movie, I could see the iron determination, the desperate urge in the character’s eyes, and I was deeply touched. Still I didn’t fully understand.
Freedom? During this trip, the explorer had to live by an extreme, highly structured schedule. How much food he could intake, how many miles he should ride each day were precisely calculated and must-be followed strictly. Normal life allows for minor mistakes, however here, any mistake could be fatal. So, what does Freedom mean here?
A scene in the movie might give you the answer.
There is a place where the saline lake blends naturally together with the skyline, the whole world is left nothing but the shades of white and blue. And a man with his bike is in the middle of this crystal pure and hushed world.
At that moment, I felt sort of connected with that world in big screen. The outside hustle and bustle was totally shut out, I could almost hear the heartbeat of human nature and could almost feel the pulse of the earth. The existence of the explorer was multiply magnified. I believe, if there is a moment for the explorer to break free from all the attachments, all the worldly troubles and worries, if there is a moment that he could feel totally free, that must be.
也许生活在现代都市里,总有些时候我们会感觉如同困兽,日复一日,为了工作,家庭,金钱,为了支付按揭贷款,或为了买辆新车而辛苦奔波,却没有时间也没有精力去照顾我们内心真正的渴求,去认真思考:“活着,究竟是为了什么?” 我们都需要这么一刻,去和内心深处的自己对话,去自由放飞自己的灵魂与心灵。当然,并不一定要户外探险,我们要自己寻找适合自己的方式。
Perhaps living in modern society, there are moments we all feel kind of trapped, like caged animals. Just like Morris said, we’re so wrapped up with egotistical things, career, family, having enough money, paying the mortgage, getting a new car---we’re involved in trillions of little acts to keep going. And we all need a moment like that to have a talk with our inner side and figure it out: What is the meaning of life?
The difference is that someone would take everything to find that moment, and most of us just accept as the life it is and see what the tide would take us.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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