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Sponsored link: Some useful and practical books that will help you to improve your English writing skills.
Shares Depression
bluephoebe 2016-10-11 11:30
Depression, like staying young and keeping fit, is doomed to be a losing battle but I just can’t give up fighting. For years, I’ve tried to create an optimist image and stay that way. I’ve shared happy, positive moments of learning, travelling, exercising in WeChat Moments, I’ve kept all th ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|780 views|5 replies Hot 4
Shares April 27, 2016 Tension
bluephoebe 2016-4-27 12:05
I received an unexpected call from one of my bosses yesterday. It’s after work and I’d already headed home. As soon as I hung up the phone, I had an impulse to throw my cell away. But it’s imprudent and not economical, I gave it up. Over the phone, my boss told me that he got a ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|832 views|4 replies Hot 2
Shares April 19, 2016 To Writing
bluephoebe 2016-4-19 16:24
If there is something that I could feel confident about, I might say “Hmmm, I am not bad at writing.” Of course here the ‘writing’ is not ‘writing a novel’ kind of writing. My repertoire includes nothing beyond reports, newsletters, website copywriting and, aha perhaps, English Blogging. ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|797 views|6 replies Hot 3
Shares April 12, 2016 Key word: Learn
bluephoebe 2016-4-12 13:59
To start, I’d like to write something about learning. There are a lot old sayings about this topic, like ‘Learning is a lifelong project’, like ‘It’s never too late to learn’, bla, bla…. However to say is one thing, to do is quite another story. I don’t know you guys, but for ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|818 views|10 replies Hot 5
Shares Miracle might Come
bluephoebe 2013-6-28 12:52
I’ve got my driver’s license for five years but I never drive. It seems that I have a deep-rooted fear for driving. Honestly, the idea of operating a monster-like machine jostling a way through over-crowded streets really scares me. Besides italways stirs up the bad memories: my d ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|975 views|7 replies Hot 7
Shares Random Writing
bluephoebe 2012-10-31 11:28
Today should be marked as Victory Day in my history since I won Streak-15, Perfect Round and Hotshot for round two in Vocabulary.com. Considering my previous record (usually Streak-5 at most), I should say that was a BIG improvement. I accredited it to the cup of Starbucks I took this morning. ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|1049 views|8 replies Hot 1
Shares Abandoned
bluephoebe 2012-10-29 13:38
I believe that some meet might change the course of a defined fate, but unfortunately not this one. It happened when we were having our after-meal walk.Walk my boywas just another routine of my daily life, and certainly I was not prepared for anything other than the norm ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|1134 views|6 replies
Shares Enjoy Little Things
bluephoebe 2012-9-11 11:14
Last night when I did my daily yoga, my five-year-old son copied every move of mine and obviously those stretches and breathing techniques were so out of his league that his little face screwed up in hard concentrations. I couldn’t help laughing at his awkward postures. Then m editation ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|872 views|9 replies
Shares Pull myself together
bluephoebe 2012-9-10 11:17
This morning as soon as I opened my mind, I was seized by a sudden rush of dizziness, flooring and nearly overwhelming. I took a moment to gather myself. When things around me finally came back to focus, I managed to stand up. Last night was terrible. I was tortured by the recurrent atta ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|726 views|4 replies
Shares Ok, You Win, Fire us All
bluephoebe 2012-4-20 14:02
One thing I like my job most is its loose working environment. The boss cares only one thing: to make things done. That is, as long as you make things done, you can enjoy a certain freedom. For example, we don’t need to punch in and out. Our access ca ...
Individual Classification: Daily Life|1082 views|11 replies


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