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编辑:1次 | 浏览:1668次 词条创建者:linfen     创建时间:06-13 20:50

摘要: 刚才来了个美国人,进到办公室,前台小姐左看右看,大家都在打游戏,只有自己比较清闲,面带微笑的: 前台小姐:“hello.” 美国人:“hi.” 前台小姐:“you have what thing?” 美国人:“can you speak english?” 前台小姐[阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:2904次 词条创建者:linfen     创建时间:06-13 21:12

摘要: 一 位 員工寄了一封信給她的老板,內容為 Dear Bo$$ In thi$ life, we all need $ome thing mo$t de$perately. I think you $hould be under$tanding of the need$ of u$ . worker$ who have given $o much $upport[阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1676次 词条创建者:Amma     创建时间:06-13 18:01

摘要:   企鹅 This recently discovered holiday penguins is unlike any other. They don't need to huddle together every winter, protection against bitter cold. Because these little fellas could do some[阅读全文:]

The First Day as a Taxi Driver
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1610次 词条创建者:Amma     创建时间:06-11 20:19

摘要: A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. The driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimetres from a shop w[阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1584次 词条创建者:Amma     创建时间:06-11 20:17

摘要: 这是一套奥美广告公司为新加坡教会制作的平面广告文案,为了帮助教会吸引更多的信徒。广告被张贴在地铁、公交车等公共场所,只用最简单的设计,却因为精彩的文案效果出彩。广告里的上帝平易近人,没有距离感,读来倍[阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1695次 词条创建者:Amma     创建时间:06-10 17:36

摘要:   钱 Your view of things, is not it also reflects the real attitude of your heart? 你对事情的看法,是不是也反映出你内心真正的态度? After his father five-star hotel door and saw a very luxury i[阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1323次 词条创建者:linfen     创建时间:06-10 15:29

摘要: Visual Training The squad(班,小队) were having "visual training". One smart recruit(新兵,招募) was asked by the officer to count how many men composed a digging party in a distant field. The p[阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1257次 词条创建者:linfen     创建时间:06-10 15:28

摘要: Five Months Older The Second World War had begun, and John wanted to join the army, but he was only 16 years old, and boys were allowed to join only if they were over 18. So when the army doctor exami[阅读全文:]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1660次 词条创建者:linfen     创建时间:06-10 15:27

摘要: A Brain Transplant The Brain Surgeon was about to perform a brain transplant. You have your choice of two brains, he told the patien. For $1000 you can have the brain of a psychologist, or for $10,000[阅读全文:]

Don't be selfish
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1623次 词条创建者:linfen     创建时间:06-10 15:24

摘要: Don't be selfish A mother is admonishing her son. Now, John, don't be selfish. Let your little brother share the bicycle with you. But Mother, I do. I ride it down the hill, and he rides it up the h[阅读全文:]