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雅思口语范例:good news by phone

Describe a piece of good news that you received by phone. *
            You should say:
                          what the news was
                          where you were when you received this news
                          who gave you this news *
             and explain why you felt this was good news. *
            and explain what you did after you received this good news. *
                       See Notes
My sample:
It was an August afternoon three years ago when I got the news on the phone that I was admitted to the university that I had dreamed of for so long, and it was the best news that I have ever heard by phone. I was at home playing some computer game with my friends when the phone rang. I picked it up and a male voice came over. He told me that he was a teacher at the XX University and that I was officially admitted to their university. I could hardly believe it when I first heard the news. XX University had been my dream school since my childhood and now I was a student there. It was too good to be true. I could almost jump for joy before I hanged up the phone. My friends asked me what it was about. When I told him, he threw his arms around me and hugged me. He knew how hard I had worked for it and he understood how happy or crazy I felt. He seemed as excited as I was. We sang and danced and went to the bar to celebrate. Even when I think of it now, I can still recall the joy and excitement that I experienced back then. And it has remained the sweetest moment in my life.
Part 3
Note: Using the words, "cell phone" or the words, "mobile phone" are equally acceptable. The British tend to use "mobile phone" a bit more than "cell phone" and the American tend to use "cell phone" a bit more. Don't call it a, "hand phone".
    * Do you think telephones are important for communication?
Yes, sure. Telephones make it easy for us to talk to anyone at any time without making appointments.
    * Do people in China use telephones (including cell-phones) very much? (Give examples of the uses of telephones) FQx2
Yes. We use phones all the time. For instance, I use the telephone to say hello to friends who I have not seen for ages, or to place an order with some store, or to reserve a table at a restaurant.
    * Does everyone in China use a telephone?
    * Which do people in China use more, cells phone or fixed line phones? FQx2
Cell phone, I believe, because it is more convenient. People can make a phone call on the cell phone anytime they want and anywhere they go. A fixed line phone offers no such freedom.
    * Which do you think is better, cell phones or fixed line phones? (Why?) FQx2
Personally I prefer cell phones, because it is more convenient. People can make a phone call on the cell phone anytime they want and anywhere they go. A fixed line phone offers no such freedom.
    * (Similar to above) Why are cell phones (= mobile phones) so popular?
    * What changes has the introduction of cell phones brought to people's lives (or, to society)? FQ
On the one hand, cell phones have made life more convenient. People can call their friends when they feel like to, or place an order with some stores when they are on their way home, or reserve a table at a busy restaurant. On the other hand, it has deprived people of their privacy. They have nowhere to escape. Wherever they go, they can be reached via their cell phones.
    * (Similar to above) How have cell-phones changed people's lives? FQ
    * Why do you think so many people use their cell phone in a public place, where other people can hear what they're saying?
Some people use their cell phone in a public place because they have to make or receive some important phone calls which cannot be delayed. Or they do not mind if they are overheard.
    * Do you think people like listening to other people's cell-phone conversations in public places?
I don’t know. Personally I don’t want to hear others’ conversations, because I am not interested in the others’ personal life, and because I think we should respect the privacy of the others.
    * Some people don't like using cell phones very much. Can you suggest why? FQ
Maybe they don’t want to be reached by the others easily. Or they have secretaries who will take care of their phone calls so they do not need to use a cell phone.
    * Do cell phones ever cause inconvenience to people?
Yes, sure. It is especially inconvenient when you are right in the middle of something and the phone rings.
    * (Possible question - unclear) Some people don't like telephones (both cell-phones and fixed line phones). Can you suggest some reasons why they feel that way?
Maybe they don’t want to be reached by the others easily. Or they have secretaries who will take care of their phone calls so they do not need to use a cell phone.

* Who do you think prefer to use a cell phone (or possibly, a telephone in general), old people or young people?The young people, I must say, because they live a fast-paced life and have many business contacts everyday. The old people have retired and do not have as many business phone calls to make.
    * Is there much difference in thinking concerning (the usage of) cell phones between old(er) people and young people? (Why?)
The young people use cell phones more often than the older people, because they live a fast-paced life and have many business contacts everyday. They old people have retired and do not have as many business phone calls to make.
    * Why do you think girls like using a cell phone (or possibly, a telephone in general) more than boys?
Girls tend to share their feelings with their friends while boys like to keep to themselves. So it is not a rare scene to see a girl talking on a cell phone with her friends for hours and hours.
Communication Methods/Tools
    * Do you think people today communicate with others more than before?
Yes. With the advance of technology, people can make a phone call to their friends at any time, and there is more communication going on between friends with the growing use of mobile phone.
    * How have communication methods in China changed in the past 20 or 30 years?  FQx2
People used to communicate with each other by paying a visit in person. Now they tend to communicate via cell phones. There is more communication going on among friends, but sadly, they do not get together and see each other as they used to.
    * What about family members; do you think they communicate more with each other than before, or less than before?
I think they communicate more with each other than before. For example, when my sister went to study in the university in another city, she used to write home once a month. Now I am studying in a city far away from home, but I call home almost every other night. I believe there is more communication among the family members with the easy use of mobile phones and everything.
    * Compare the benefits and shortcomings of using different communication methods (or, tools) such as face-to-face communication, letters, emails and phones. *
Face-to-face communication is more personal. One can share one’s most intimate secret in a face-to-face communication with a good friend. But it is not very convenient and one has to make an appointment first and make the visit in person which takes time. Letters are also personal, especially if it is handwritten. But it is slow and it takes time to write a good letter. Email is fast and convenient, but less personal. And there is the danger that it might be made public. Phones are a good way to communicate with the others, as they save us time and trouble, but one cannot tell if the other person is really happy or just pretend to be over the phone, since we cannot see their faces.
    * How do text messages (on a cell phone) compare to phone calls on a cell phone? Which do you think is the better means of communication?
I prefer phone calls, because I can hear the voice of my friends, and I can tell if they are happy, sad or not. Text message is impersonal. It contains the mere information.
    * Compare (the advantages & disadvantages of using) emails as opposed to cell-phones (= mobile phones) as a means of communication. FQ
They are both fast and convenient ways of communication and can reach whoever you want to talk with in a second. The difference is that you get to talk with the person on the phone and hear his or her voice, which is more personal, but email is more about sending the information. There is a lack of personal touch (人性化)in email.
    * (Similar to above) Using emails is very popular today. Which do you think is the more popular, using emails or using cell phones? FQ
I prefer cell phones. Because with a phone, you can always talk with the one in person. You have got to hear his or her voice and you can tell if he or she is happy or not. Emails lack such personal touch.
    * Compare (the advantages & disadvantages of using) emails as opposed to (hand-written) letters as a means of communication.  FQ
Letters, especially the hand-written ones, are more personal. The fact that you take the time to write it makes it all the more special. But letters are time-consuming and slow to reach the other person. Emails are quicker but they lack the warmth that a handwritten letter can express.
    * What impact have modern communication technologies such as mobile phones and the internet had on people's work lives (and on their personal lives)?  FQx2  See Note
Communication technologies have profound influence on people’s work lives. For example. People used to have meetings in person. Now they have internet meetings. People use to talk with each other in person but now they make phone calls on the mobile phone. People can even work at home now, because their boss can always reach them via the internet or the cell phone.
    * With the increasing use of computers for communication, what do you think the eventual result might be?  FQ
In the future, I suppose everything could be done on the internet and people would live in a virtual reality most of their lives. They could shop online, make friends online, do business online and even get married online. The virtual reality might take the place of the real life that we are living now.
    * Do you think there will be any shortcomings resulting from the future increased use of high-tech methods of communication?
Yes, definitely. There is already talk that people do not communicate with each other as much as they used to. We used to pay visits to friends and neighbors in person and shared our stories with them. Now we make a quick phone call and seldom see each other. Even family members feel alienated now.
    * With the increasing use of computers for communication, do you think people's handwriting skills will suffer as a result?
Sure. Personally, I use the computer all the time that when I have to write something, I find it difficult to write the letters in a correct and beautiful way.
    * Do you think the skill of handwriting might one day (more or less) disappear? FQx2
No. You would always have to sign important documents and credit cards. It is a part of one’s identity.
    * (Similar to above) Do you think the use of handwritten letters might one day (more or less) disappear? FQx2
    * Do you think there are times when a handwritten letter is preferable to an email?
Yes. I would like to read a handwritten letter from a friend rather than an email when I feel low and need to be cheered up.
    * How do you think people will be communicating with each other in the future (e.g., 30 years from now)?
It’s hard to say. I suppose they would communicate via the internet or some high-tech thing in the future which would give people real life experience, I mean, they do not have to be there in person, but it feels that they were talking face to face.




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